Darkness Devours(164)


She was definitely closer.


I had no idea how the hell she was achieving it, but I wasn't about to question it. Having her in my hand probably wouldn't make any difference to my situation, considering how the Raziq had pested me of her in the first place, but my fingers still itched to wrap around her hilt. She gave me strength and made me feel safer—something I'd never thought possible when Azriel had first produced her.


"That," the Raziq said, his voice no different and yet suddenly so filled with menace, "is knowledge you do not require."


I licked my lips and said, "How am I supposed to find my father when he's always been the one who's contacted me?"


"We will give you a device that will notify us when you are in his presence."


"Exactly what sort of device?" Amaya was almost within reach of a sideways lunge. I shivered and resisted the temptation to move. "And how does it work?"


"It is attuned to Hieu's life force and will react when he is near. We will be notified."


"My father is smart enough to realize what the device is the minute he sees it." She was close, so close. My fingers twitched and tension began to wind through my muscles. "He'll get the hell out of there before you lot ever make an appearance." 


"We do not agree."


I snorted. "Of course you wouldn't. I mean, you've had such great success trying to track him down so far, haven't you?"


"He is not so important. The keys are."


If he wasn't so important, they wouldn't be doing their damnedest to find him. "You've got one key—why can't you just make a couple more?"


He didn't answer immediately, but his energy surged around me, singeing the hairs on the back of my neck and making my skin crawl.


Anger. No, not just anger. Fury.


Maybe they weren't as unemotional as everyone believed—at least not when it came to people thwarting their desires.