Darkness Devours(122)


I ran forward, Amaya gripped tightly in my right hand and the Dušan's serpentine form swirling around me. Her eyes glittered fiercely as she continued to scan the fields around us—searching for trouble. Searching for a threat.


I hoped like hell she didn't find it.


But even as that thought crossed my mind, trumpets echoed, the sound oddly haunting in the hush of the fields. The last time I'd heard those trumpets, it had meant the Raziq were hunting me.


Fuck, fuck, fuck.


I kept my gaze on the receding forms of Azriel and the Rakshasa, trying to increase my speed and catch up, but having little success with either. I might walk the fields, but this was not my world, and it seemed that the constraints of my flesh were affecting me here. Speed had never been one of my gifts.


The haunting echo of the horns drew closer. Amaya was a fierce storm battering my thoughts, wanting to stand and fight, and frustrated that we weren't, while the Dušan's movements were getting more and more agitated. My gaze swept the shadows, but I couldn't see anything or anyone.


They were out there, nevertheless. I could feel the ill wind of their presence rushing toward me.


And then, from out of nowhere, they struck.


Only it wasn't the Raziq. It was a writhing mass of sinuous, sluglike forms that had stalks for eyes and seemed to bleed a white substance from all over their bodies.


They rolled out of the shadows like a gigantic bowling ball and came straight at me. The Dušan screamed and dove into their midst, sending gray forms scattering as she bit and slashed. Several rolling lumps re-formed out of the main mass, the smaller ones circling me as the larger one—with the Dušan still in its midst—continued rolling toward me. I jumped out of its path and swung Amaya. Purple fire trailed from her blade, splattering the nearest creatures as she sliced through their beings and cut them asunder. Gray muck sprayed from their bodies and the mass seemed to writhe with greater agitation. But it didn't fall apart, didn't seem to be deterred. It simply did a long looping turn and came at me again.


The Dušan rose from its midst, twisted in midair, then dove again, teeth wide, chomping down on gray forms, flinging them left and right. It still didn't seem to have any effect. The writhing forms just drew closer, instantly filling the spaces created by the Dušan.


A wind hit me from behind. I staggered a little, caught my balance, then swung around. One of the smaller masses had broken the circle and was coming straight at me. I swung Amaya. Her blade hit the ball of slugs and came to a shuddering halt—it was as if something had gripped her hard. She screamed her fury, spitting fire that sizzled and flamed out the minute it struck the oozing sides of the slugs. I swore and pulled back with all my might. She came free with a weird sucking sound just as a second small mass of slugs swept in. I swung to face it, but it arced, avoiding the sweep of the blade. As it passed me, the white mucus that bled from its pores exploded, splattering through the air. I twisted away from it, but nowhere near fast enough. The mucus plastered my left side and instantly hardened, pinning my arm to my body and immobilizing my leg.


Glue. It was some form of fucking glue.


There was no fighting this. All the slug balls had to do was keep their distance and spit their glue at me, and I'd be trussed up tighter than a turkey at Thanksgiving in no time. I had to get out of here.


Sorry, Azriel, it's too dangerous for me to stay here on the fields. I closed my eyes and flung myself back into my body. The force of it sent me toppling off the chair and onto the floor. And that's where I remained, doing nothing more than sucking in air as pain shuddered through my body and tiny men with hammers went crazy inside my head. After several heartbeats, the shifting magic crawled sluggishly over my face, my body unable to sustain the change when my energy reserves were so low.