Darkness Devours(104)

She eyed me for a moment, then added, "He's become something of a recluse of late, but if you want photos you should track down James Blake. He took the wedding photos—you never know, he might have kept them."


I glanced at Jak. He was already writing the name in his notebook.


"Thanks for your help, Jacinta. We do appreciate it." I slipped her some cash, and she palmed it with practiced ease.


"Just make sure you burn the bastard good and proper."


With that, she got up and left. I finished the last of my beer, then handed Jak one of the tickets for the ball. Azriel might be intending to take his place, but I needed to keep up the pretense and not make him suspicious. "We're at the same table, so I'll meet you inside around eight."


He nodded. "Until then, I'll run a search on the names Jacinta mentioned, and try to uncover some photos of the polo accident."


"Have fun," I said dryly as I rose.


He gave me a smile that just about blinded me. "Oh, the fun will happen tonight. I intend to dance your shoes off, my girl."


And "dancing" just happened to be a wolf euphemism for sex. I snorted softly. "You're as hopeless as ever."


"Nothing ventured, nothing gained," he said. "Don't forget to pay the bartender on the way out."


I did, then headed back to the hotel, where I promptly undressed, crawled into bed, and went to sleep.


The awareness of being watched woke me sometime later. For several minutes I didn't stir, letting my body wake and my senses capture the warmth of that sensation. It flowed through me like a river, teasingly sensuous.


But before I could fully react to it, it disappeared. Azriel knew I was awake.


Frustration swirled, deeper and stronger than before, but again, I squashed it and simply said, "Did you catch all that info at the bar?"

