Dancing with the Devil(70)


"Gone. Jasper has her,” Michael replied flatly. He blinked and switched his vision back to normal. The return of darkness was, in some ways, a blessing. 


"Why the hell didn't you make her stay behind?” Jake demanded angrily. “You knew what this man was like, yet you let her come with us. It's your damn fault she's gone."


"You're her boss. Why didn't you forbid it?” Although Michael understood Jake's anger was merely his way of coping with the situation, he couldn't keep the edge of annoyance from his voice. Jake lowered his gaze. “I'm her boss, yes. But damn it, you care for her!" Michael stared at him in surprise. Where in hell had Jake gotten that idea? He barely knew Nikki, and while it was true there was definitely an attraction between them, he had no intention of acting on it. And by all indications, neither would she.


"What I may or may not feel gives me no right to force her to do anything against her will.” And despite his noble words, he knew that had he been able to enter her mind and force her to remain behind, he would have. Even if it meant breaking his vow.


Maybe he and Jasper had a lot in common after all.


He listened to the sound of the zombies’ awkward footsteps fade away into the silence, then, using the wall as a brace, rose to his feet. The drug in his system would take hours to dissipate, and, with the sun strengthening towards noon, there was little he could do now but wait.


"The creatures have gone,” he said. “We'd better head back to the office."


"And make no attempt to find her?” Jake said incredulously.


"I have no other choice,” Michael bit back.


So much for control, he thought bitterly and stepped out of the hole. A glint of silver caught his eye. He walked across the track, and bent to pick it up. It was Nikki's silver cross. The small amount of silver within the charm tingled against his palm, but he ignored it. At least he had something of Nikki's to hold on to. Something to remember her by in the years ahead.


He glanced across at Jake then strode through the darkness. There was nothing more they could do in the tunnel, and Jasper just might try to contact them at the office—if only to taunt them. Tonight he would search.


And Jasper would pay when he found him.


* * * *


The darkness stirred, coming to life.


Shifted, then disappeared.