Dancing with the Devil(46)


Yet if Monica really were a vampire, wouldn't she sense their presence anyway? Just how close to reality did the movies come? She released his arm. “I have a flashlight." Though it was little more than palm size, it provided enough light to see why no one made a fuss about them breaking in. The guard was here, all right, but dead.


Nikki handed Jake the light and shoved her hands in her pockets to hide their sudden shaking.


"If this is Monica's handiwork, she's one angry teenager,” he said, kneeling next to the body. He pointed the light towards the guard's neck—or what remained of it. She swallowed and turned away.


"There's not enough blood,” Jake muttered. “With a wound this bad, there should be more blood." Sweat broke out across her brow. “Monica's a vampire, remember."


"Or completely over the edge.” He rose, face ashen. “We'd better move if we want to stop her. She can't be too far ahead of us."


She retreated out the door, studying the still darkness. Jake pressed one of the buttons in front of the guard's chair, and the huge gates silently opened. Hell, making them welcome. And if the guard was any indication, the mansion had indeed become hell for its occupants. They climbed back into the Mercedes and drove on without the headlights. The night closed in around them, oppressive and still.


Through the trees, yellow light winked, starlike, from one window on the upper floor. The rest of the mansion was dark.


"Trevgard's butler has his quarters at the far end,” she commented. “Should we check that first?" "After what she did to the guard, I'd say yes. She's obviously not being selective tonight.” He stopped the car and gave her a grim look. “I'm calling the cops, too."


"Good.” After discovering the guard, they had no real choice. She climbed out. Nothing moved. The night was still, and the air held the promise of rain. Her psychic senses could find no trace of life, not even in the butler's section. If Trevgard was here, he no longer lived.


"He's not here,” a soft voice behind her said. “And two servant's lie dead inside that house." Nikki jumped violently and swung around. Michael stood two feet away, arms crossed as he stared at her.


"Why didn't you wait, as I asked?” His voice was flat, devoid of the anger she could feel in his thoughts and all the more frightening because of it.


"This is my fault, and my problem to deal with.” She watched him uneasily. The darkness shifted in his eyes, becoming stronger. Just how different was he from the man he chased?


Jake approached, and Nikki was suddenly glad he was there. Though she doubted he'd be much protection should Michael attack.


"Michael,” he said, surprise edging his voice. “Glad you could join us." He stopped next to her, close enough for their shoulders to rub. Nikki wondered if he could sense her uncertainty about Michael.


"I got here as soon as I could. But not soon enough, I fear." Jake barely glanced at the house. “It would be nice to know if Monica's inside or not." Michael's face was expressionless. “She's not here at the moment. I would sense her." Jake raised an eyebrow. “How?"