Dancing with the Devil(43)




"A vampire ?” He stared at her. “You really believe Monica was killed by a vampire?"


"Yes. I saw the body, Jake. Apart from the puncture marks, the only other wound was days old and almost healed. Yet there was no blood, in or out of the body." He snorted. “Your psychic senses are now telling you how much blood someone has in their body? Give me a break, Nik."


She smiled grimly. “If you don't believe me, why not call your friend at the morgue?" He reached for the phone. She stared out the window, watching the traffic roll past. They really had to move if they wanted to save Trevgard from his daughter's anger.


"They never had a chance to perform an autopsy,” Jake said, as he hung up the phone.


"I'm afraid that's not the end of it."


"There's more?"


She nodded. “The walking dead."


"As in, zombies?"


Though his voice was flat, she could see the disbelief in his eyes. “As in. I think there are at least two running around."


"Have you been smoking funny weed or something?"


"You know I haven't smoked in years, Jake. Nor have I gone insane." He shook his head. “Psychic abilities I can believe in. Maybe even ghosts and extraterrestrials. But vampires? Zombies? No way, Nik."


How could she possibly convince him? He had to be ready for what they might face at Trevgard's tonight. And yet, if she hadn't seen Monica's lifeless body last night, she'd probably have a hard time believing it herself.


"You've trusted my intuition before, Jake. Please, just trust me one more time." He rubbed the back of his neck uneasily. “But Dracula's only a piece of fiction. And zombies ... well, I know some Polynesian Islanders will swear to their existence, but this is Lyndhurst."


"So how do you explain the lack of blood in Monica's body?"