Dancing with the Devil(38)

"And a pretty grubby one, at that.” He smiled at her startled look. “Do you wish to go home, or to the office?"


"Home. They let me call Jake earlier and tell him what's going on."


"Shall I drive again?"


She shook her head. “No, I'm fine."


She looked close to exhaustion, but he handed over the keys anyway. She unlocked the passenger's door, then moved around to the other side. Michael climbed in, studying the distant darkness carefully. Jasper was still there, still watching. Hopefully, he'd follow. Nikki fired the engine and turned the car around. Across the silence came the sound of another car starting.


He smiled grimly. Jasper's behavior was sometimes too predicable. Once Nikki was safely home, Michael could resume his hunt.


"Penny for them,” she said softly.


He glanced across at her. Moonlight gilded her dark chestnut hair and softened the planes of her angular features. She was truly beautiful. A jewel he could not afford to touch. He cleared his throat and glanced out the window. “How safe is your house?"


"It's actually Jake's old house, which he pided into apartments. It has lots of locks, I can assure you." Which Jasper could pass with ease if she uttered the right words. “I was thinking in terms of help if Jasper's friends turn up."


She gave him a quick smile. “I can scream very loudly."


He controlled the impulse to return her smile and watched the amusement fade from her eyes. "I have my abilities,” she stated quietly. “I can protect myself." The hint of uncertainty behind her words suggested she wasn't as confident as she sounded. “And neighbors?"


"An old couple above me and a drunk below. Not what I'd term reliable help in this sort of situation." Not what he'd term reliable help in any sort of situation.


"I'll be fine,” she asserted softly. “I've been in worse situations, believe me." Her bleak tone stirred his curiosity. What could be worse than a vampire and his undead after your body and soul? “Such as?"


She glanced at him, amber eyes suddenly as unreadable as her thoughts. “When you tell me your secrets, I'll tell you mine. We're here."


She stopped the car in the driveway of an old Victorian. Michael climbed out and studied the building. A good coat of paint and a gardener could have done wonders for the look of the place. But no amount of paint could help the rot setting into the windows or the door frame. Neither would hold Jasper back for more than a minute.