Dancing with the Devil(152)

She dragged her arm close to her chest and hugged the knife tightly. The cold metal burned into her skin, fighting the darkness, giving her strength.


"That ... that the best you can do?” she said, when she could. He laughed lightly. “So much courage."


Power surged again. This time, she met his thrust with her own, shoving his lance aside before rushing on, pushing him to his feet—pushing him back, towards the gathering dawn. For an instant she saw fear in his eyes and knew in that moment that Michael was right. Jasper was afraid of her powers. But fire ran through her brain, and her head felt ready to explode. She couldn't hold on ... couldn't... The psychic energy slipped away. She gasped and hugged her body. Tears fell onto her arm as she rocked back and forth, desperate to shake the pain locking her mind. Desperate to ignore the laughter surrounding her, tightening the dark chains once more.


"Drop the knife."


She clenched the knife tighter, eyes closed, huddled in upon herself. Warmth spread through her hands and chest, a lone fire in the darkness surrounding her.


He took a step forward. “Release it."


The black wings of energy beat against her. Her fingers twitched in reply, and his elation grew. Still she made no move.


He took several more steps. Energy lashed at her. She quivered under the blows, but refused to move, refused to answer the growing need to obey.


Another step. The heat of his body washed over her, burning the bare skin along her arms. Her muscles twitched in agony, but she ignored it, concentrating on Jasper. Just a few more steps, she pleaded silently, just a few steps closer . As if drawn by her plea, he moved. Nikki unfolded, thrusting up in a fluid movement, ramming the silver knife into his stomach.


Jasper screamed and lashed out, smashing his fist across her face. She slid across the floor and landed in a heap near the kitchen door. Gasping for breath, she shook her head, trying to clear it of the pain falling in a red haze around her eyes. Or was it blood?


Jasper hissed. She glanced up quickly. The force of his gaze made her cringe back. Jasper was through playing games. The time for death had come.


She scrambled to her feet. He took the knife in two hands and drew it slowly from his abdomen. Small tendrils of silver fire licked against his fingers, and the smell of burning flesh filled the air. He showed no sign of pain, his eyes blazing murder.


"You will die for this,” he hissed, holding the knife up in his fist. “Come to me, now!" Sharp probes of energy lashed at her, knocking her back to the floor, filling her body with fire. It burned through every fiber, every muscle, quick, deadly and powerful . God I should crawl to him, beg his forgiveness...


"No!” she screamed, raising her hands in front of her face, breaking the lock of his gaze and the force of his will.


The chains of power yanked tight, and she gasped, struggling to breathe. She threw a lance of energy at him, trying to thrust him backwards, but he barely rocked back on his heels. His laughter whipped around her, cold and mocking. Nikki blinked back bitter tears, and reached for another lance. But the black wings lashed at her, and fire consumed her mind, making it difficult to think, to breathe. If this is what Hell feels like, I definitely do not want to die...