Dancing with the Devil(121)

But she wished she knew what was touching her ankle.


Again it trailed past, more solidly this time.


"He's playing games."


Though Michael's voice was calm, anger burned along the link. “Then you don't think we'll be attacked?"


"Not here. Not yet."


She wished she could share his certainty. The dark water receded further, and walking became easier. She swept the flashlight's beam across the darkness ahead, noting the tunnel was beginning to close in around them. The roof was only inches above their heads.


"Hope we don't have to crawl,” she muttered. The thought of getting down on her hands and knees to wade made her stomach churn.


"I can't imagine Jasper doing it, so I doubt we will."


"You really do know him well, don't you?"


"It pays to. As I've said, he's eluded our circle for years."


"And was your circle after him before or after he killed your brother?"




But it became personal when Jasper killed Patrick. “Does the circle attempt to kill every vampire who has a thirst for human blood?"


He shrugged, a movement she caught in the edge of the light. “Not all. There are some who can restrain the urge to kill and live long lives."


Some, but not many, she deduced from his tone. She wondered how he'd managed it, how long it had taken him to curb the lust all too evident in Jasper.