Dancing with the Devil(113)


"It would have to be complete enough to allow me some kind of control if I need it. But I promise not to delve, not to open any doors you wish kept closed. And you must promise the same." She nodded and wondered if it mattered. Michael's abilities far outstripped hers. There was no way on earth she'd be able to control him. “But how will this merging screw up the kind of trap Jasper had waiting last time?"


"I intend to direct your abilities along a slightly different path." She licked her lips. For all intents and purposes, he'd have control of her. Her willingness to go along with this would allow Michael to succeed where Jasper had so far failed—would give him the access Tommy had wanted but couldn't fully control.


"Damn it, Nikki, I'm not Jasper. Or Tommy."


He rose and moved around the desk, stopping only a foot away from her. She bit her lip and backed away a step. Her back hit the wall. The wood paneling felt cool against her palms when compared to the fire of his gaze.


"I don't want control of your mind—or your body—or anything else, for that matter. When will you get that through your head? I just want you to trust me."


She stared at him. Deep in his eyes she saw a flicker of longing and knew in that instant he wanted something more than he'd ever admit or allow.


"Just tell me what you intend to do."


He sighed and turned to the window, staring out through the lace. “Instead of merely tracking Jake's whereabouts, I intend to join his mind. That will prevent Jasper from detecting us, and it will give us a better idea of what is going on."


So Michael would have control of two minds. She remembered how easily he had made the waiter do as he asked, and shivered. But that had only been surface control. This would be so much deeper.


“Won't it be dangerous?"


"Anything that deals with this kind of mental intrusion can be dangerous."


"For us or for Jake?"


"For everyone. But we should have no trouble linking with Jake. I've already done it." She gave him a long look. He ignored it, though she knew by the taut muscles in his crossed arms that he was well aware of her gaze. “When was this?"


He shrugged. “The night before I met you. I needed to know Lyndhurst's background in a hurry, and who would know more than a private investigator?"


Who indeed? And Jake had been an investigator long enough to know his fair share of secrets. She just had to hope he'd be around long enough to learn a few more.