Circle of Fire(63)

"Maddie's alive." He could feel it in his heart, in his soul. If she died, he would know. If she died, there would be nothing left but the need for revenge.

"Eleanor won't come to us personally when I reach Evan. She'll do so by spirit. She wants me to witness Maddie's death. She wants to make sure I suffer."

"And you are suffering, aren't you? What if this is all part of her game?"

"Damn it, just tell me where the kid is!"

"No." Mack's quiet statement cut through his heart like a knife. Jon stared at him. "What do you mean, no?"

"I mean no, I won't give you the boy." He hesitated, then rose quickly from the chair, as if he could feel the anger building on the other side of the desk and wanted to escape its path. "Not unless I come with you."

Jon laughed harshly and pushed away from the desk. "You're insane."

"And you're a hairsbreadth away from a murder charge!" Jon slammed his palms back onto the desk. The force of his blow made the whole desk shake. "You can't charge me for killing someone who was already dead!"

Mack stared at him. "What in hell do you mean by that?" He sighed in irritation and pushed away from the desk. He really didn't want to get into all this right now. It was only wasting precious time. "The thing masquerading as Hank Stewart wasn't born in this lifetime. It wasn't born in your grandfather's lifetime. It clung to life through the blood of others, and through Eleanor's magic."

The FBI agent blinked. It was the only indication that he was even listening.

"You're saying he was some form of zombie?"

"Sort of." What Hank had been he didn't really know. And he didn't really care. The man was dead and could no longer hurt Maddie. That was all that mattered.

"But...zombies are shambling creatures with no brain or emotion. Hank was human. "

Jon shook his head. "You've been watching too many horror movies. Now, tell me where Evan is."

"I don't think it's a wise move-"

"What's not a wise move is all this screwing around! Because believe me, if it costs Maddie her life, there won't be a prison on this Earth strong enough to hold me—or keep me away from your damn throat."

If Mack was in any way intimidated by the threat, he didn't show it. "As I was saying, I don't think that's a wise move— unless I come with you." Jon watched in silence as Mack dragged his coat off the back of the chair and quickly donned it.

Finally, the FBI agent met his steady gaze and gave him another bland smile.

"But I do think I finally have an answer for the question I asked yesterday."

Jon raked a hand through his hair. Somewhere along the line he'd obviously lost the point of their conversation. "What question?"

"You really do care for this woman, don't you?" He avoided Mack's knowing gaze and studied the storm-held night beyond the window, wondering how cold it was getting up in the mountains. Was it was snowing up there yet? "Yes. I really do. But I can't let you come with me, Mack. Eleanor's too dangerous."

"I agree."

He looked back in surprise, but Mack's gaze was determined.

"From what I can gather, she's got the better of you twice now. A third time might be unlucky for everyone."

He was fighting a losing battle, and he knew it. Still, he had to try one more time. "You've never met her like. You have no understanding what you're about to go up against."

Mack gave him a wolf-like grin. "I've never met your like before, either, but I've survived our ten year association."

Jon glanced at his watch. Twenty minutes gone. "You'll slow me down. I can fly faster than you could ever drive."

"Which is a point I'd like to discuss on our way. Come along, son. We have no time to waste."

Jon smacked the wall in frustration. No one seemed to be listening to common sense these days—especially when he was speaking it. But with Maddie's life now on the line, he could think of no other human he'd rather have at his back than Terry Mackeral. With a final glance at his watch, he

followed the FBI agent out the door.