Circle of Desire(95)

A blur of brown hair leapt over the sleeping bodies of the zombies. She clenched her fingers around the stake as the wolf came to a halt and shifted shape. As a man he was big. Bigger even than Ethan. And like the wolf that had attacked her in the restaurant, he was all rippling muscles and golden skin.

He was also na**d. And hard with wanting.

His gaze slid down her body, and she felt like a prize turkey at Christmastime —

all fattened up and ready for the plucking. The wolf's gaze finally rose to hers again, and all she could see was madness. The heat of his aura blasted her skin with his desire, but beyond the breathlessness, there was very little physical reaction. It was as if she'd somehow become immune to this wolf's fever.

"I smell wolf on you." He ripped off the mask he was wearing, revealing a mouth that was thin and cruel. "I shall enjoy erasing that scent."

Bile rose in her throat. Ethan had all the time he was going to get because she wasn't about to stand here and play with this madman. She lifted her hand and hit the wolf kinetically, smashing him back against the wall. As he slithered down the rock she flung the stake at him. At the last moment he saw it and dodged. The white ash stabbed through his side rather than his heart. Deadly, but not immediately so.

His rage washed over her, a force so great it knocked her back several steps. With the stake lodged in his body he couldn't shapeshift, but he didn't even appear to try as he picked himself up and rushed at her.

She dodged and hit him kinetically again. Pain slithered through her brain, and she knew she'd have to watch it. She'd need her kinetic skills to cope with the mara, and she couldn't afford to overexert herself right now.

The wolf hit the wall with a grunt, bounced to the ground and relaunched himself at her. She ducked away but wasn't fast enough. His fingers hooked around the bottom of her sweater and jerked her to a stop. He laughed, a harsh cruel sound that made her stomach churn.

She swore, twisted around and raised her arms, pulling herself out of the sweater. She ripped the second stake free, holding it in front of her like a knife. It was doubtful he even noticed it as his gaze slid down her na**d torso. The heat of his need boiled around her, sucking away the air and burning her lungs.

He sprang again, but before he reached her there was a blur of fur and fury that hit him broadside and thrust him away from her.

Anger and relief surged in equal portions.


He hit the ground in human form and rose, standing between her and the other wolf. He had one hand behind his back and was flexing his fingers, as if grasping for something. She kinetically slipped the stake into his hand.

"No one touches what is mine," he growled and launched himself at the stranger.

The other wolf might have been bigger and more powerful, but he didn't have a chance against Ethan, even if he hadn't already been stabbed with white ash. Ethan was fast and furious, and he gave no mercy. Within minutes the other wolf was dead at his feet.

He swung around and stalked towards her. His brown eyes were more wolf than human and glowed almost golden in the torch light. His hunger washed across her senses, and her body sprang to aching life. Reacting to him, and only him.

The spell, she thought. He might have thought he was committing himself to Jacinta, but he'd bound himself to her. Or, at the very least, bound her to him.

He pulled her into his embrace and plundered her mouth. His kiss was intense and passionate and, in many ways, an affirmation of territory. No one touches what is mine, he'd said. Her heart did a joyful little dance, but she had to wonder if he was even aware he'd said those words.

"Next time tell me it's a werewolf coming down the tunnel," he growled when he finally broke away.

His breathing was as harsh as hers, and his desire thrummed through every fiber of her being, stirring her in ways she'd never dreamed possible. But right now, it was a need they both had to ignore.

"Next time trust me to take care of myself," she bit back. "Where in hell have you left the kids?"

"They're safe." He swept up her sweater and tossed it to her. "Put that on so we can get out of here."

Once she pulled on the sweater, he grabbed her hand and led her out of the cave. When they were under the canopy of the forest, she dug the cell phone out of her pocket and dialed her grandmother. "Where are we?" she said to Ethan as she waited for the call to be put through.

"Tell her to meet us on Mountain Road, near the Agness signpost."

"You have the kids?" Gwen questioned in her ear.

"Yes." Kat quickly passed on Ethan's instructions. "I think it would be wise to get to a safer area before we hand the kids over."

"I'll arrange it."

"Good. And bring a couple of full kits. The soul sucker still isn't in the cavern, so it might be a good time to check out whether she is breeding or not."

"Will do. See you in ten."