Circle of Desire(28)

She pulled out the foil packet then pushed his jeans down. He kicked free of them then hooked her T-shirt with his thumbs and stripped it off. Her skirt quickly followed.

"Beautiful," he said, running his hands down her glorious golden body.

"Definitely," she agreed, echoing his movements with gentle hands.

He kissed her fiercely, drinking in her essence, exploring every inch of her mouth until both of them were panting for breath. Then he trailed his tongue down the long line of her neck and circled the pebbled points of her br**sts. She shuddered, arching her back, as if offering them to him. It was an invitation too good to refuse. He took one nipple in his mouth, sucking hard as he slid a hand down the flat of her stomach and into her moistness. Her moan shuddered through him, testing his strength, his will.

He delved deeper, sliding through her slickness, until her muscles pulsed around his fingers. She pressed against him, riding his hand with increasing urgency. Her skin was feverish, flushed with desire and need.

A need he understood only too well.

She grabbed his shoulders, fingers trembling, nails digging deep.

"Oh ... God." Her voice little more than a fractured whisper. "Please..."

Her plea raged across his senses, almost destroying his restraint. He shuddered and pulled his touch away, knowing if she came right now it would shatter what little control he still had left.

Her groan almost shot it to hell anyway.

"Condom," he said, voice harsh with the urgency pounding through his body.

She tore open the packet with her teeth and rolled it on with an ease that spoke of practice. Not that he cared. He pulled her close again and began to stroke her. Her soft cries urged him on, her body trembling against his, her skin glossy with perspiration. He kissed her ear, ran his tongue down her neck. She tasted like no woman he'd ever had, and right at this moment, he wanted to keep on sampling her forever.

Her shuddering reached a crescendo, her movements urgent against his hand. Her strangled cry of pleasure echoed through him and smashed any remaining restraint. He cupped her buttocks and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around him then pushed him deep inside. He groaned at the sheer glory of it. She felt so good, so hot and firm.

She captured his lips, her kiss passionate. Demanding. She rode him harder, enveloping him in sweet, sweet heat. Hot flesh slapped against hot flesh, and there was nothing gentle about it. Couldn't be, with the urgency of moon driving him. He claimed every inch of her, thrusting so very deep, until her taut muscles quivered with rising urgency against the whole of him.

The red tide rose, becoming a wall of pleasure he could not deny. His movements quickened. Deepened. Her gasps reached a second crescendo, and her cries echoed as her body bucked against his. He came — hot, glorious release that locked his body in pleasure.

They stood there for what seemed like forever, and he didn't really care because it felt so good. The sea breeze cooled the sweat on their skin, and the rich aroma of sex mingled with Kat's warm, sunshiny scent, stirring his senses anew. Only the fact that they had to get to Rogue River kept him from instigating a second, much slower, seduction.

When she began to shiver, he lowered her gently to the grassy sand, kissing her nose. He then quickly gathered their scattered clothing. They both dressed, then she picked up her purse and chocolate bar from the sand. Her pupils were still dilated, evidence of the satisfaction that touched her lips. "That sure beat the chocolate cake I was considering for dessert."

He cupped a hand across her cheek and brushed his thumb across her kiss-swollen lips. "Sorry it was so fast."

She raised an eyebrow, her amusement deepening. "In case you didn't notice, I was more than a little fast myself."

Thankfully. He certainly couldn't have held off much longer than he had. She'd felt too damn good.

"Next time," he said. "We'll try some place more comfortable."

"And warmer." She rubbed her arms, then glanced past him. "We'd better get moving. Dusk is closing in."

He knew that without looking. The fever stirred in his veins, despite the fact his body was momentarily sated. Or maybe it was just the scent of her lingering on his skin that stirred his blood.

They walked back to the car and continued on to Rogue River. Kat fell asleep fairly quickly, and he half wished he could join her. It would be nice to be in bed at this moment, holding her lush, warm body against his as he drifted off to sleep.

He frowned at the thought and thrust it away. No matter how good it promised to be between them, it could never be anything more than just sex.

He'd learned that lesson long ago.

Chapter Six

Kat woke when the car stopped. She yawned and stretched, then glanced out the window. Warm lights shone through the trees, providing enough light to see the two log cabins just ahead.

She glanced at Ethan. "What's the time?"

"Eight forty-five."