Circle of Death(74)

Camille studied him for a moment, her expression troubled. "What are you going to do if she says no?"

He shrugged. It was a question that had preyed upon his thoughts more than a few times. And the truth was, he simply didn't know. He loved her, would always love her, no matter what. And while he was certain she returned his feelings, he wasn't sure she had the strength to follow her heart and trust what she felt.

And if he stayed here, tried to make her a part of his life, as his father had with his mother, she'd only slip further from his grasp—of that he was certain.

"I'll see you in week," Camille said. "One way or another, this will all be sorted out by then."

Hopefully for the better, he thought bleakly. He kissed Camille's leathery cheek and watched her power back toward the stairs. She waved from the top, then ducked inside. Doyle thrust his hands in his pockets and turned away. Time to go find a cab and search out the woman

who could yet shatter his heart.


Kirby plucked the dead flower heads from the small rose bush, then sat back on her heels. The silvery-purple blush on the remaining flowers seemed to glow in the bright morning light, as if lit by an inner fire.

Helen had been cremated, as she'd wished. This rose and the small name plate underneath it were all the indication that anyone of any importance lay buried here under the turf. It didn't seem right, somehow. Surely Helen deserved more.

The wind stirred, briefly kissing her cheeks. She closed her eyes, reaching for that faint caress.

"Remember sister, all that lies under the rose are the ashes of my body." Helen's voice was distant, as gentle as the breeze itself. "I am one with the wind now and forever within your reach."

Tears stung her eyes. Because of Helen's sacrifice, she would never be alone, no matter what happened between her and Doyle. And yet, given the option, she'd rather have a flesh and blood sister standing beside her any day.

"I'm finally happy, Kirby, and I'm not alone. Other storm witches glide the breezes with me." Fingers of wind playfully tugged at her hair. "Don't be compelled to stay where my ashes lie. They matter not in the scheme of things. It is time you looked after yourself."

As Helen's words swirled around her, Kirby felt the last vestiges of guilt leave. She'd done all she could—not just for Helen, but for Trina. Helen's insurance money would pay for the care Trina needed, and the doctors were hopeful that, with time, she'd return to normal. Or as normal as any of them could ever be, given what they'd been through.

Helen was right. There was nothing to be gained by staying here, mourning someone whose spirit had not died. It was time for her to move on, to put the half-forgotten memories of the past behind her forever and start looking toward the future.

A future that depended greatly on the reaction of the thief who'd snuck past her defenses and stolen her heart

She rose and turned—only to freeze in surprise. Doyle stood twenty feet away, his arms crossed and stance casual.

Joy surged, fierce and hard, and for an instant, all she wanted to do was run into his arms and shower him with kisses. But the eyes she loved so much were wary, and the link that had allowed them to read each other's thoughts and emotions was still, as devoid of life as his expression. Fear stirred in her stomach. What if sometime in the last three weeks, he'd changed his mind?

She licked her lips. "How are you feeling?" It was an inane thing to say, but the words she wanted to say lay lodged somewhere in her throat, frozen by the caution in his eyes.

"Better now knowing that you are whole and sane." She winced at the soft rebuke in his voice, but knew it was well deserved. She should have at least visited him in the hospital. Yet, it was the time away that had finally convinced her that what she felt was real and not just a side product of the danger she'd found herself in.

"I'm sorry. It's just that with the police and Trina and..." Her voice faded. It sounded like she was putting him behind everyone else on her list of priorities, and that was far from the truth. He'd been in her thoughts every hour of every day, and she'd rung the hospital so often she was on first name terms with all the nurses.

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. She couldn't do this—couldn't stand here and make small talk when her future hung in the balance. She had to know, one way or the other. She took a deep breath and gathered her courage.

"Do you remember that question you asked? The one I wouldn't answer?" He didn't move, didn't react in any way. "I'm not likely to forget such a question."

Her stomach tightened. She stared at him for a moment longer, then said softly, 'The answer is yes."

He didn't react for what seemed like an eternity. Then a sexy grin split his lips, and the link opened between them, flooding her entire being with warmth, love and happiness. She ran toward him, and he laughed, lifting her off her feet and twirling her around until her head spun. Then he kissed her, his lips hot and urgent, devouring hers until it felt like her heart was spinning as fast as her head.

Breathless and giddy, she broke away, staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I gather the answer is something of a relief?"

"You could say that." His thumb traced the line of her cheek, his touch gentle yet making her whole body tremble. "Have you anything else here that you need to do?"

She glanced down at Helen's grave, then wrapped her arms around his neck and shook her head. "Why?"

"How long would it take you to pack?"