Circle of Death(56)

"She may not have been in her right mind, and if Felicity's spirit is in her, she sure as hell won't be now."

She stared at Camille for a second, a chill chasing goose bumps across her skin. "What do you mean?"

"I mean its pretty obvious that this woman is not just after the power of the circle. She wants you all to suffer, as Felicity must have suffered when she was crushed all those years ago. All you have to do is look at the way she killed Helen and her first victim. And remember, Felicity's spirit has had eighteen years in hell to plot its revenge."

"Oh great," Kirby muttered, rubbing her arms. "So, in reality, I have two nuts after me rather than one. They're just neatly packaged together." A tingle ran across her skin, flowing warmth through her entire body. Doyle had entered the other room. She turned and watched him approach. His gaze met hers, and relief flicked through his thoughts. He'd been worried about leaving her, she realized then, even if she was with his friends. The thought made her heart do an odd little dance.

"Who's neatly packaged together?" he asked, stopping in the doorway. Camille rose with a grunt. "Kirby can fill you in. Grab some names and address off Russell and keep looking for this Marline or Mariel Thomas. But I want you somewhere safe before sunset, understood?"

He nodded and motioned toward Trina. "What about her?"

"Russell's best suited to look after her. At least he can keep her controlled and quiet. I want you to keep in regular contact, understand?"


Camille's sharp gaze momentarily pinned Kirby. "I'll go get those herbs. Just make yourself a tea before you go to bed. It should take care of any lingering after effects."

Doyle moved to one side as Camille pushed passed. "You feeling any better?" he asked.

She shrugged. "I honestly don't think that's going to be possible until this whole mess is finished. Why does Camille want us tucked away before sunset?"

"A dark witch's powers tend to be greater after sunset." She frowned, confused. "But she attacked you yesterday and Trina today. Both times were during the day."

"Yeah, and it's a sign of her strength, because she'll definitely get stronger with the night." He walked around the table and held out a hand. "Come on, let's get moving."

She hesitated, not trusting the sudden hint of mischievousness in his expression. He wiggled his fingers impatiently. Knowing he was up to something, but not entirely sure what, she placed her hand in his. He pulled her to her feet, then pulled her close, amusement and desire darkening his eyes.

"Won't dare to steal kisses with my friends around, huh?" he murmured, his breath washing across her cheeks and setting her whole body alive. "Never tempt a thief with a statement like that."

His mouth captured hers. She meant to protest, meant to push him away, but the moment his lips touched hers all resistance seemed to melt away. All she could think about, all she wanted, was him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer still. Her br**sts were pressed hard against his chest, and she could feel his strengthening desire. He deepened the kiss and, for one moment, it felt as if he was delving deep into the very heart of her. Her pulse raced and her whole body was on fire, every nerve ending gloriously alive and aching with the need for his touch. For him.

Then he pulled away, his breathing harsh, eyes filled with such heat she felt it clear through to her toes. "It hasn't faded, Kirby," he said softly.

"No." Quite the opposite, in fact.

"Nor will it, you know."

"I know."

He squeezed her fingers. "Shall we go?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Got the fast deflation model, have we?" He grinned and brushed the hair from her eyes, his fingers trailing heat across her skin. "No. But I have got a coat. Wonderful inventions, coats. They hide many secrets."

"No doubt half of them stolen," she said dryly. He grinned and didn't deny it. "I might even let you investigate one day, if you play your cards right."

"I wait with breathless anticipation."

His gaze found hers as he led her from the room. "So do I," he murmured.

"So do I."

Heat crept through her cheeks. She pulled her gaze from his and knew, with absolute certainty, that if she survived the night without making love to him, it would be nothing short of a miracle.


They spent the rest of the day checking out the addresses of the various Marline and Mariel Thomases, only to come up empty every time. They were all either too young or too old. No one matched the images of the child in her mind. Not that that meant anything, Kirby thought sourly. She closed her eyes, leaning back in the car seat. Trina had looked nothing like her memories, either, so why Kirby herself was so certain she would recognize the witch was a puzzle.

Doyle climbed into the car and shoved several plastic bags onto the back seat.