Beneath a Rising Moon(99)

"Dead flesh that you will be bound to for eternity," Iyona snarled.

"Over my lifeless body."

"Or your brother's." The sound of the safety clicking off seemed to echo ominously in the cavern. "We're not overly fussy about which one we kill. All we want is a child, so we can claim our share of the Sinclair fortune."

Duncan couldn't help the harsh laugh that escaped his lips. "Do you really think our father will acknowledge any child you two bear?"

"Blood is blood, and everyone knows Zeke is an old-fashioned wolf. He'll support the get of his sons." She stepped to one side. "Now move, both of you."

Duncan shuffled forward until he'd moved up alongside his brother. They shared a brief glance, and as one, walked clumsily forward. The chains around their legs clinked softly, the bell like sound covering the noise Duncan made as he slid the loosened chain from his arms and caught them in his hand.

In that same moment, awareness surged through his mind. Neva was close. He couldn't smell her, but he could feel her — in his heart, with his soul.


Here. So is Savannah, as well as your father and brothers.

How far away?

Not far. Why?

Hurry. He didn't tell her why. Didn't have the time, because they were too close to the two women. If they shuffled forward any farther, Betise would see his hands were no longer tied. Tension emanated from René, telling Duncan his brother was ready to move.

"Dive low," he said and swung the chain, lashing it around Iyona's face and neck as René hit her low and hard, sending her sprawling backwards. Her scream was a high-pitched sound of pain and fury that got lost in the sound of a gunshot.

René grunted, but Duncan had no time to see if his brother had been hurt, because a snarling fury hit him hard and sent him sprawling backwards.

Teeth tore into his shoulder and arm. He hissed and thrust his hands between them, grabbing Betise by the throat and forcing her back, away from his neck. Saliva dripped from her huge jaws, splashing across his chest as she snarled and snapped and twisted, her strength almost as great as his own. Her nails tore into his bare stomach and cut down his side as she scrambled to gain purchase against him. Her eyes gleamed with malevolent fire, and he had no doubt that she intended to kill him. Not because she hated him, but because she loved him. Because he wouldn't — couldn't — love her.

He thrust her back with all his force and lunged sideways. The rush of howling air told him she was closing in again. His nails dug into the cold dirt floor as he wrapped his fingers around a rock. With a grunt of effort, he swung around, smashing it across Betise's snarling snout, beating her away. Her growl became a yelp of pain as she leapt out of his reach. He let go of the rock and reached desperately for the chains around his feet. He had to work them free so he could move. Could change. Claws scrambled against dirt and stone behind him, then air rushed over him. He threw himself sideways, punching upwards at the silver form that flew overhead. His fist sank deep, but she didn't seem to feel it, twisting in midair so that she landed facing him. With one bound, she was on him again.

He thrust his hand out, his fingers digging into her thick neck, his whole arm trembling with the effort of keeping her snarling, snapping canines away from his throat.

Warmth flooded across his skin, and a golden haze of energy covered her form as she shifted shape once again. He bucked, trying to get her off him, but she screamed, a sound so high-pitched it hurt his ears. Then her knee found his groin. Pain flooded him, an all-consuming red haze, and suddenly it was all he could do to even breathe. Energy rolled across his skin again, then she was on him in wolf form, tearing into his shoulders and chest.

Somehow he forced his arms between them and pushed her back. Her teeth sank deep into his forearm, a sharp pain that battled the deep ache in his groin. He swore and thrust two straightened fingers deep into her throat. She coughed but didn't release her hold, worrying at his flesh like a dog with a bone.

He swore again and punched her across the ears. She shook her head, sending saliva and blood flying, but she didn't let go. Just kept tearing and gnawing at his arm.

From out of the night came a flash of gold that hit Betise broadside and sent her flying. The two wolves tumbled beyond his line of sight, their growls mixing with the sound of snapping teeth and tearing flesh. He swore and sat up, hurriedly undoing the chains from his legs before surging to his feet.

He swung around, saw the two wolves, silver and gold, at the back of the cavern. Neva was on the bottom, but her teeth were deep into Betise's throat, and blood gleamed on silver fur.

He shifted shape and arrowed toward them, hitting Betise and sending her rolling off Neva, who scrambled to her feet and spat out a huge chunk of hair and flesh.

Are you all right? Her mind voice was rich with concern and caring.

Yes. Just seeing her made everything all right, though he knew it wasn't.

You're bleeding. She licked his wounds tentatively, then a rumble rose up her throat, and she nudged him sideways, taking the full impact of Betise's leap.

He swore as he hit the ground, though it came out little more than a harsh growl. He rolled to his feet, saw the two wolves tearing at each other near the cavern's entrance. Felt the sharp caress of electricity in the air, a sensation that built and built until every hair on his coat stood on end. It was similar but far stronger than the force he'd felt building in the kitchen the night Neva had slammed deep into his mind and assaulted him with her fear and pain.

Shield. Neva's warning blasted him, and he thrust up his shields immediately.

A heartbeat later, the force in the air seemed to explode, and Betise was torn from Neva's body and flung out the cavern entrance.

He shifted shape and walked towards Neva as the changing haze rolled across her wolf shape. He stopped beside her and slid his fingers through hers. They were trembling, and as wet with blood as his own.