Beneath a Rising Moon(74)

"I know you do," she replied and slammed the door shut behind her father. It was a sound that echoed through the sudden silence.

She remained where she was, staring at the door and breathing deeply. He wanted to go to her and wrap his arms around her, but he knew she wouldn't appreciate it.

"What did he say to you?"

"Nothing." Though her voice was carefully controlled, he could feel the pain in her.

"Then why are you so upset?"

"It's pack business," she shot back. "And none of your concern."

He took a deep breath and released it slowly. "Neva, I'm sorry if I caused — "

She rounded on him, green eyes blazing. "If you ever try to make me do something against my will again, I'll fry your brains so badly you won't be able to shit without help."

While he had no doubt she meant what she said, he couldn't help the slight smile tugging his lips. She was so damned beautiful, even when angry. He let his gaze drift downwards, watching the rise and fall of her br**sts as she breathed. Watching her ni**les peak with renewed awareness. "I was only trying — "

"To control me. The same way my damn parents have been trying to control me. I won't stand it from them anymore, and I certainly won't take it from you."

He pushed away from the wall and walked towards her. "I was only trying to protect you."

She licked her lips and backed away from him. With the door behind her, she couldn't go far. "Well, how about trusting me instead? The damn gun wasn't loaded. It never has been."

Her back hit the door, and she stopped. Desire widened her pupils, darkened her green eyes, and he was so damned hard for her it was painful.

"You can't know that for certain," he said, reaching again for the silk tie around her waist.

She swallowed heavily. "The firing mechanism is stuffed. Dad bought the weapon ages ago when there was a rash of break-ins. He figured he could use it to scare intruders away."

And had obviously figured it would scare him away, too. Which would have been a fair assumption in his younger years, when all he'd wanted was a good time with no strings and no problems. But that wasn't the case with Neva. The tie came loose and the silk fell away, once more revealing her golden curves and luscious triangle of soft hair. A triangle he couldn't wait to lose himself in again. He took the gun from her and dropped it into the pocket of one the coats on the coat rack near the door. "Why didn't you just tell me that?"

"Because I didn't want you taking it off him. He deserved a little more dignity than that."

"Even after what he said?" He slid a finger under the silk and skimmed it up to her shoulder, gently dislodging the gown.

She quivered under his touch, her breathing quick, uneven. "Even after. He's still my dad."

He slid his finger across her warm flesh to her other shoulder, sliding the rest of the gown off. It shimmied to the floor, puddling around her feet. Her desire spun around him, a warm rich scent that stirred his senses and thrummed through his blood.

The moon was rising. And so was his need to bury himself deep inside her.

"You can't," she denied, voice soft, husky. "We have to get to Betise's."

"We have at least half an hour to fill in, if not more." He stripped off his clothes, tossing them on the floor next to her gown. "And I intend to spend that time dancing with you."

The pulse at her neck was little more than a wild flutter, her ni**les so hard they were pebbles pressing into his chest. Her gaze searched his for a moment, then a teasing, sensuous smile touched her lips. "How?"

He kissed her sweet mouth — softly, seductively. "What I intend," he whispered, his lips so close to hers he could taste every quick breath, "is to turn you around and spread you against the door, caressing your entire body as I take you from behind until the heat overcomes us and we howl our pleasure to the moon."

Anticipation flared in her eyes, and the scent of her arousal got stronger. She opened her mouth, panting softly, as if she couldn't suck in enough air.

"And then?" Her voice was a husky whisper that damn near exploded his control.

"Then I intend to carry you upstairs and continue with a more leisurely seduction in the shower as we wash the smell of sex and lust from our skins."

"The moon certainly has a strong effect on you Sinclairs, doesn't it?"

It did, but right now it wasn't the moon, it was the woman. "I want you," he whispered against her lips.