Beneath a Rising Moon(36)

"I can't see the point, but if she wants to, we will." Though he very much doubted she would.

Martin nodded. "What do you want me to do with these samples?"

He hesitated. His boss, Dave, had offered the use of his contacts, and it was possible those contacts included someone in the labs. "Keep them secure until I can arrange for them to be tested."

"I'll just go get my medical kit. Where is she now?"

"I've put her in the study."

"Is she bad? If so, it might be better if she heads into the hospital — "

"Just scratches and a few bite marks on her arm."

The old wolf nodded. "I'll meet you there."

Duncan spun on his heel and headed for the study. Once the doc arrived, he'd have to keep Neva out of the way just so she didn't see Martin taking samples. If Betise had been attacked by the killer, then the last thing he wanted was Neva running back reporting to whoever had set her on him.

Both women jumped when he thrust open the study door. Neva stood, her expression hostile. But her gaze slithered down his body, and awareness flashed between them.

An awareness her clenched fists suggested she was fighting. "Where's the doctor?"

"On his way." He glanced at Betise. The older wolf was lying on the sofa, eyes closed and breathing even, but he could feel the tension in her. Feel the anger. "We've danced, haven't we?"

The smile that tugged her thin lips was bitter. "Yes," she said, not opening her eyes. "We have."

"I don't remember."

Neva gasped softly. Do you really enjoy being such a callous bastard?

Neva's thoughts were acrid and filled with anger. Obviously, Neva knew a whole lot more than he remembered. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. It's nothing more than the truth.

He'd had so many women since his first moon dance, how could he possibly be expected to remember his time with every one? That he recalled this wolf's scent was a miracle in itself.

You were with her for a year. Surely that in itself would be a momentous enough event for a womanizer like yourself to recall.

He'd never been with any wolf longer than the period of one moon dance. Had never wanted to be, especially in his youth. If she told you that, she lied.

A sound not unlike a disbelieving snort ran through his mind. Or you're lying, for whatever sordid reason you might have.

I may be many things, but a liar isn't one of them. He hesitated, then added harshly. Shame you can't say the same thing, isn't it?

She blushed, but she held his gaze almost defiantly. I haven't lied to you.

She was lying now. Then tell me why you came to the mansion.

To try the moon dance.


I'm regretting every damn minute of it.

That, at least, was a truth, and one he did regret. It's a shame you've got four more nights to go, little wolf. Rest assured I aim to enjoy every one of them.

Bastard, she said again.

He smiled grimly and switched his gaze back to Betise. "When, exactly, did we meet?" Not that he really cared. He was just puzzled as to why she'd bother lying.

"You were twenty-two."