Beneath a Darkening Moon(72)

"But,” he continued, “you'd better follow up our lead."

"I will.” She glanced up at Cade. “The blonde who bribed Denny went by the name of Candy Jackson, and she apparently lives over on Summit Street."

He raised an eyebrow. “Interesting. Seems the other blonde goes by the name of Lonny Jackson."


"Could be.” He glanced past her as the wail of approaching sirens came to a sudden halt and doors slammed. “Except according to records, Lonny doesn't have a sister."

"Merron doesn't always register half-breeds, or even their get,” Ronan said. “So if she's not full wolf, maybe that explains why there's no record of a sister."

"What?” Savannah and Cade said together.

"That's illegal,” she added. “All wolf births have to be registered. The reservation's fined by the government otherwise."

"Law or not, it happens. Merron's a big reservation and the Government's head counters never see half the people living there.” He paused to cough and winced in pain. When he continued on, his voice was a little hoarser. But he squeezed her hand reassuringly. “The head of the council is crazier than your old man, Sav, and he has a bee in his bonnet about half breeds. If you're not pure, you're not a wolf, so he doesn't believe they should be registered."

"But even human births have to be registered."

"He doesn't consider them human, either, but rather an abomination."

"Oh God, you're not saying he condones infanticide?"

"Let's just say that those who keep their half-breed are not supported by the council in any way."

"How do you know this?” Cade asked. “It's certainly not something I've heard, and we've handled several investigations at Merron."

Ronan's gaze went to Cade. “Friend of mine grew up there.” He looked back at Savannah. “Mikel. Might be worth talking to him."

"I will.” She looked around as the EMTs approached, then squeezed Ronan's hand and released him.

"Meeting like this is getting to be a habit,” the first of the two men said cheerfully as he bent to tend to Ronan.

"One I hope to break.” Her voice was dry as she stepped back to give him more room.

Cade rose and stood beside her. His arm brushed hers, only lightly, yet little shocks of electricity seemed to run up her arm and tingle down to her fingertips.

"Steve needs his ass kicked for letting you out,” she said, without looking at him.

His grin was something she felt deep inside. A warmth that spread like wildfire through every nerve ending and made her hunger. “I threatened to haul his ass to court and charge him with obstruction of justice if he didn't move."

"Not even the IIS can make a charge like that stick."

"So he said. I asked him if he wanted to risk it. He apparently didn't."

She looked at him. “You don't play nice."

His expression was hard. “I'm not paid to play nice."

"And do you not play nice on all your missions? Or are there some that tempt you to do more than you should? Want more than you should?” She raised her eyebrows, silently challenging him to answer honestly.

He studied her long enough to make her think he wasn't going to answer. Then he smiled with regret, and said, “There was one that became more than a job."

"How much more?"

He shrugged and looked away. “It doesn't really matter."

"It does to me."