Beneath a Darkening Moon(64)

She snorted softly. “If you weren't still recovering, I'd give you a goddamn lesson right here."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm feeling fit enough not only to repel an intruder, but give her a lesson in real psychic strength."

Her gaze narrowed, her beautiful eyes becoming little more than green slits of anger. “You are such an arrogant sod. Maybe I should have let you bleed to death."

"So why didn't you?” he snapped back. “At least then you'd be free of the moon promises."

She flung the blanket away and stood up. He caught a brief flash of long golden legs before the black leather coat she was wearing fell into place around them.

"You know, you're right. I'm a fool for not even thinking of that."

"I'm surprised it wasn't your first consideration."

She stopped near the window and crossed her arms. The rising light of day warmed her skin and made her hair shine like a beacon. “My first consideration was actually marking the bitch who'd shot you."

"And did you?” Hopefully, something good had come out of this mess.

"Of course.” The brief look she threw his way was almost caustic. “I tore her arm and retrieved the crossbow. Trista is running a check on the prints she pulled off it."

"Has anyone presented to the emergency room with wolf bites?"

"No. Ronan's contacted the local doc and asked him to advise us if anyone comes to him."

"Good. We have a line on either of the trucks or drivers yet?"

"Not from my people. Your people are hardly likely to inform me if they have, are they?"

"We are a team on this—"

"No, you and your people are the team. My staff and I are just the convenient footmen. And it's working against us, Cade. We need to pool resources and work together to catch these people."

"The IIS has more than enough experience—"

"This isn't your normal murder scenario. This is about you and me and making us pay for the supposed sin of bringing Rosehall down. These people know us—"

"Of course they know us,” he broke in, arguing the point even though he knew she was right. “Nelle James is behind the attacks. She was your best friend, the one you confided in—including the reason I was there."

"It wasn't Nelle James in that truck."

"You sure of that? Or are you still trying to protect her?"

Heat warmed her cheeks. Anger, he sensed, not embarrassment. “Unless Nelle has had a face lift that has taken more than twenty years off her appearance, then yes, I'm sure."

He frowned. “What do you mean?"

"Nelle was twenty years older than me, which means she'd be close to fifty right now. The woman in the truck had to be in her twenties. She was also blonde underneath the wig she was wearing."

His eyebrows rose. “We have two blondes?"

"Apparently so.” She crossed her arms. “I gave a description to Trista when she was in here earlier. I presume she'll inform you if she finds a match. In the meantime, I have a burger joint to check out."

He flung off the blankets. “I'll come with you."

"I don't think so."

"You are not wandering out there alone."

"I won't be alone. Ronan will be with me."