Beneath a Darkening Moon(40)

She opened her eyes and met his gaze. The depths of his eyes were filled with that dark danger she'd glimpsed earlier, and in that moment she knew what he was about to do.

"Don't,” she said quickly.

He either didn't hear her, or he didn't want to hear her, because energy touched the air, fluttering across her skin like a thousand tiny sparks. The power of the moon, coming to life once again.

All he said was, “You are mine, and only mine, until I say otherwise."

Oh God, oh God ... What the hell was she going to do? He was using the moon to bind her past the time of their first pledge, and thanks to the promise she'd so innocently made, there wasn't one damn thing she could do about it.

Damn the moon, she thought viciously. And damn him for taking the moon-given power and twisting the spirit of it to his own ends.

"I am only yours until the power of the moon ends. No longer."

"No.” His voice was intense, full of unforgiving determination. The dance of energy became more frantic, enforcing his words, the need to agree. “Say it."

Goddamn it, he was getting what he wanted, what the moon demanded, so why demand more?


"Say it. You will be mine until I say otherwise."

"No, damn you. No.” She arched her h*ps and captured him, driving him deep. He shuddered, and for a moment he moved with her. Then his breath hissed between his teeth and he withdrew.

He didn't say anything, just stared at her with hungry, demanding eyes as the energy burned brighter, wrapping her in heat and the need to obey.

"Damn it, why?” she all but yelled.

"Because I have no intention of calmly sitting on the sidelines and watching you dance with your lover if this case should last more than four days.” He raised a hand and caught her chin, his fingers close to bruising. “Say it."

"I hate you.” But she didn't, not badly enough. Not then, and not now.

"But you want me, don't you?"

"Yes.” And that was the whole problem. When it came to Cade, control was something she'd never seemed to have enough of.

"Then that's the only thing that matters. Say the words, Savannah."

She knew that fighting the compulsion was useless, yet there was no way in hell she would give herself to him on a platter without a fight. So she fought, and the dance of energy became thick and fierce, until it felt as if her entire body was on fire with the compulsion to obey. Eventually, she had no choice but to say the words, “I'm yours, and only yours, until you say otherwise."

His grin was quick and predatory, a wolf who knew he has won. “Until I say,” he repeated fiercely, and drove deep inside her, claiming her with his body as thoroughly as he had claimed her with his words.

And as much as she hated his actions, with the moon and her body burning so fiercely, she had no desire to fight him or push him off. She wrapped her legs tighter around him, holding him close as he began to move. She moved with him, savoring and enjoying the sensations flowing through her. Right now, that's all she really had, because his actions tonight had smashed the tiny spark of hope that had lingered in her heart. All he cared about, all he'd ever cared about, was satisfaction—his and hers. Anything else was off the radar. Always had been. She'd been a fool to hope for anything else.

His strokes became stronger, faster, and once again the sweet pressure began to build inside, until it seemed her whole body ached with the need for release.

When he came, she went with him, his roar drowning out her own strangled groan as his body slammed into hers so hard the whole sofa seemed to shake.

But as the power of her own release faded, and the reverberations of his roar grew fainter, she heard the footstep.

They were no longer alone in the lodge.

Chapter Six

Even through the red haze of satisfaction, Cade heard the sound. He froze, listening, as the night air began to chill the sweat on his skin and tension rippled through Vannah's warm body, which was beneath him.

"You expecting anyone?” he whispered, glancing down. Her green eyes glowed like an angry cat's in the darkness.

"No.” Her soft voice was curt. “And get off me."