Beneath a Darkening Moon(26)

The older woman nodded and made a show of retreating. But Savannah knew the old girl's nose would be well and truly glued to the events unfolding in the small parking lot.

She spun around and walked across to the gate. Steve had gone to the back of his car, probably to retrieve the fingerprinting kit, but Cade stalked towards her, all grace and power.

She flared her nostrils, drawing in the wild scent of him, letting it fill her as his body had filled her last night. Heat flicked through her veins, a warning that the moon's call had not eased with the coming of day. Desire sparked deep in his eye's navy depths when her gaze met his, telling her he was more than aware of what she was feeling. Then the flicker was gone, his expression that of a slate wiped clean.

He was keeping his end of their deal. She had to wonder if she could do the same.

"What's happened?” He stopped in front of her, swamping her senses with his tangerine scent and overwhelming masculinity.

"Someone left me a note."


"Under the wiper. I didn't read it until I was in the truck. That's where I left it."

He nodded, his gaze sweeping her, leaving her tingling. “They left nothing else?"

"I had a quick look under the truck, but that's about it."

He nodded. “I called Anton. He was on the bomb squad before he transferred over."

She raised an eyebrow. Going from the bomb squad to the IIS was an unusual sideways step. “I don't really think this person wants to blow me up."

"No,” he agreed. “They seem to be enjoying throwing a few taunts our way first. Any idea when the note was left?"

"The lady who runs the flower shop caught a local kid doing it this morning. You want to come question him, or would you prefer to stay here?"

"A kid delivered the note?"

She nodded. “The local hoodlum who's into scaring human visitors and swiping their cars for joy rides."

"Sounds like a charmer."

"Oh, he is.” All leather and attitude but little true toughness.

Cade glanced around as a second car pulled up. “Anton's here now. I'll just go talk to him, and then I'll come with you.” His navy eyes seemed to gleam briefly with amusement. His voice dropped as he added, “It's always such a pleasure."

"Don't play on words,” she warned softly. “Not here."

His lips twisted. Whether it was a smile or a grimace, she wasn't entirely sure.

"That wasn't in the rules we agreed on,” he said.

"But keeping this thing a secret was.” She crossed her arms. “I hate what I'm forced to do with you, Cade."

Which was nothing but the truth, and at the same time a lie, because she didn't actually hate being with him. Couldn't, when his very presence seemed to bring her senses and her body alive in a way no other wolf ever had. But her senses and her hormones weren't the total sum of her, and her head and her heart had no intention of being fooled a second time by this man.

"I don't care if you hate it or not.” Though his voice was even, there was a gleam in his eyes that suggested annoyance, and the force of it was a tidal wave that seared her skin. “There's no escaping the moon this time. Or me."

"So you've said.” She stepped back from his overwhelming presence, and suddenly the air seemed so much cooler. So much more breathable. “I'll just go get the keys from Steve."

"I'll meet you at the car.” He spun away, every step radiating anger.

Over what she'd said, she knew. Well, that was just too bad. He was here to catch a killer, nothing more. The fact that he had the bonus of sex with her was a quirk of fate neither of them could do anything about. And yeah, even if she didn't like the fact that the moon gave her no choice, she'd enjoy the sex because she always had. But if he was expecting anything more than sex, expecting the physical and emotional depths they'd so lost themselves in last time, then he needed his head checked.

Steve was walking through the gates, fingerprinting kit and notebooks in hand. She went over.

"What's up, boss?” His deep voice was more gravelly than usual, and his speckled hair looked as if it hadn't seen a comb in a month.