Beneath a Darkening Moon(15)

"No one knows about us. When we mate, we do so late at night and where no one can chance upon us."

His nod was short and sharp. And as angry as his steps.

"Second, do not touch me in any way, sexual or not, during the day."

He gave her a savage glance. “You do what you must for the moon, but nothing more?"


His lips twisted bitterly. “And the third?"

"If there is another officer available tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that, you walk away and let him take over."

He came to a halt at her end of the table, pressing his palms against the wood and leaning forward again. “I'll agree to those conditions if you agree to two of mine."

She raised her chin. “What?"

"First, we dance tonight."

She'd known that was coming. The lust that burned between them made it as inevitable as night following day. But as much as she wanted him, she also didn't want him. Didn't want to lie in his arms, because it was nothing more than a lie and the heat of the moon.

"What else?"

His sudden grin was all territorial, all wild wolf. “You lie with no other for as long as I'm here, or I'll report you and Ronan to your prudish little council. Then I'll stand back and watch the fireworks."

Chapter Three

Though Cade had expected an immediate and fiery response to his admittedly outrageous demand, she didn't say anything. She just stared at him with those coldly luminous green eyes of hers, making him feel like pond scum that wasn't even worth scraping off her shoe.

Which is what he figured her opinion was of him right now.

It shouldn't have mattered. He wanted her, she wanted him, and the promise they'd so stupidly made ensured the outcome would be gratifying for them both. What she thought about him, or what he thought about her, didn't enter into the equation.

Yet for some reason, her opinion of him did matter.

Maybe tiredness had addled his brain. Or perhaps the sun and the heat reflecting off the snow this afternoon had burned away a brain cell or two. Why else would he care about the opinion of a lying, cheating snippet of a wolf who had almost succeeded in getting him killed and letting a murderer go free?

"How did you know about Ronan and me?"

Her words, low and somehow sexy, had lust surging through his veins. He fought the urge to reach for her, take her, and merely said, “I'm trained to read body language, remember?"

And right now, hers was practically screaming with the desire to hit him.

She nodded and crossed her arms. “Then I agree to your terms."

Exaltation ran through him. She was his. Again. “Where do you plan for us to ... meet?"

She considered him for a moment, and then she said, “I recently bought an old lodge as a long-term renovation project. It's called White Peaks, and it's out on Meadows Road—which is at the western edge of the reservation. My nearest neighbors don't arrive until ski season opens, so we should remain undiscovered."

His mouth twisted. “So I'm not being invited into your home?"

Contempt flashed across her features. “Never."

That was a shame. While he might never trust her again, he certainly wouldn't have minded uncovering more about the woman who'd once had him so hooked he couldn't even think straight. He glanced at his watch. “Shall we say midnight?"

She hesitated, a hint of panic running briefly through her eyes before determination reappeared. She nodded once. “Is there anything else we need to discuss?"

"Other than the need to be extremely cautious, not at the moment."