Beneath a Darkening Moon(105)

Like what?

A two pronged attack. She hesitated. The silver bars will hold a wolf in a frenzy, won't it?

Yeah, but you wouldn't want to get within reaching range. Apprehension swam through his thoughts. What do you intend to do?

Speed things up a little. We can't afford to be here all day.

Be careful.


"You gonna answer or not?” Candy snapped impatiently.

"That black wolf you tore to pieces?” Savannah kept her voice even, though it was hard when all she wanted to do was grab the bitch's face and knock her lights out. “Her name was Marion, and she was a friend of mine. So yeah, I think I am going to let him do this to you."

"Your daddy wouldn't be pleased about you breaking the rules. If he was still around to care, that was."

Savannah ignored the cold pit of fury forming in her stomach and raised an eyebrow. Her mom and dad were safe, she knew that, but that didn't alter the fact that this woman had gone after them. Pack protection was born into every wolf, and Candy should have known better than to taunt her. “And why would you say something like that?"

The other woman's smile was smug. Gloating “Because it's the truth, ranger. Because your sister will soon be dead meat, just as your lover will soon be dead meat. And then you'll die, just as horribly as my daddy died."

Her daddy? Surely Candy couldn't be talking about Jontee ... could she?

Afraid so, Cade said.

Annoyance swept through her. Was there ever going to be a time when this man stopped keeping secrets? And when did you intend to tell me this?

At the meeting called for later this afternoon.

It wasn't good enough, and they both knew it. She returned her attention to Candy.

"I never killed Jontee. He did that himself, by doing what he did.” She paused. “And how could you be Jontee's kid? You're too old to have come out of Rosehall."

"Doesn't mean I can't be his kid."


Candy raised an eyebrow. “Like I'd be stupid enough to tell you that."

"Then tell me who set the bomb in my father's diner."

Malice glittered in the other woman's eyes. “I'm not the ranger, you are. Find out your damn self."

"I will, don't you worry about that.” She finished the last of her coffee and pushed away from the wall. “So tell me this. Was what you did on the Red Mountain trail a blood frenzy or simply bloodlust?"

"What does it matter? I'm dead either way."

Savannah stopped close to the bars, just out of Candy's reach, and smashed the cup against the wall. It broke, a sharp sound that made Candy jump. Shards of china scattered across the floor, the white of them glittering starkly against the dark carpet. She ignored them, concentrating on Candy, still holding the handle and one jagged piece of china in her hand.

Candy licked her lips, her sudden uncertainty palpable. “You can't cut me with that. It's against the rules."

"Who said I was going to cut you with it?” She raised her free hand and ran it across the sharp edge of the cup. The flesh across her palm parted and blood began to well, tainting the warm air with its richness. She clenched her fist, ignoring the pain as she met Candy's widening gaze. “And you didn't answer my question."

Damn it, Cade cut in, there's no need—

This will work, if only because she's less afraid of me than you. Just stay where you are and watch.

Candy licked her lips. “I can't answer that question. It'll incriminate me."