Keeping Time (Steelwolf #2) - Stephanie Kay Page 0,49

but I just finished the last one,” I said, taking the ice cream she offered.


“You know I stress eat,” I muttered, walking into the kitchen while she shut the door behind her.

I pulled out two bowls and dished up the dessert. “Wine?” I asked.

“Sure. Don’t want you to drink the entire bottle. You going into work tomorrow?” she asked.

“Of course. I’m a mess right now, but I’m an adult and tomorrow I need to get back to normal.”

Mac scoffed. “Please. Lie to yourself all you want, but you won’t be back to normal tomorrow. You took a big blow today. On top of the one a few days ago when you told Tristan the truth.”

“I have to. I have to move on with my life. Hopefully, I’ll hear from Cassie soon about meeting James and then I can stress eat about that. And if Tristan can’t get past that, I’ll have to figure out how to deal with that if James is going to be in their lives.”

I took a big bite of ice cream and cringed. “So cold.”

Mac laughed. “You’re not supposed to inhale it. Have some wine.”

I eyed her through my squinting as I breathed through my brain freeze. “Don’t use logic on me again. I’m not in the mood.”

Then I gulped my wine and took another smaller spoonful of ice cream.

Mac slung her arm over my shoulder. “I’m sorry this happened. I really thought he would understand.”

“Mac. I lied to him. I kept a major secret from him. Cassie hinted that he had an ex that did a number on him, and he finally told me about what she did when I told him that I’d slept with Jamie. He has a valid reason for hating secrets and maybe he’ll trust me again or maybe he won’t, but I’m going to have to figure out how to accept that. And it fucking sucks if it doesn’t go the way I want it to.”

Past relationships always shape our future ones in one way or another. I’d wanted to hope that he could get past it, but my doubts were growing by the day.

“You are not his ex. He should be smart enough to realize that. I’m damn sorry that he can’t see that. You deserve all the happiness in the world after everything you went through, and if that’s not with Tristan, then we move on,” she said.

“You give some great pep talks, you know that?” I bit back more tears. I was lucky to have Mac in my life. I couldn’t ask for a more supportive friend.

“I’ve picked up some pointers from this super amazing therapist I know.”

I grinned. “You’re cheating on me with another therapist?”

“Please. Now, eat your ice cream and let’s watch a movie and take your mind off of Tristan. Rom-com or action?”

“Definitely an action movie, but we have to keep the sound down for James.”

“Deal.” She grabbed the remote and scanned through some options. Then she turned to me. “He’s going to figure out that you’re the best thing that ever happened to him. Hopefully, he’ll do it soon so I don’t have to karate chop his ass.”

I shook my head. “No karate chopping, please.”

“Because his ass is too nice? It will be once he gets his head out of it,” she deadpanned, before taking a bite of ice cream.

I barked out a laugh. “You’re crazy sometimes. I love you.”

“Love you, too. Now let’s watch some hot guys blow shit up. Butler or Statham?”

“Statham,” I said, settling back into the couch with my best friend. At least I knew I could always count on her.


“What’s this meeting about?” Jax asked, as we settled on the couches in my studio two days later.

Cassie wanted to tell Josh and the band as soon as possible, and Bash and I were leaving every decision up to her about how to proceed. I told her she didn’t have to rush, but we were family, she reminded me, and James was a part of that family.

“Yeah, what’s up? Is everyone doing okay? We having an intervention for this asshole?” Josh asked, gesturing toward Jax.

“Cool it, CH. There’s nothing wrong with me,” Jax said with a grin.

“You sure about that, Ellie?” Charlie asked, and Jax glared at her as she took a seat next to Josh.

“Can we focus?” I asked.

“Yes. Um. I have some news,” Cassie said, and Bash linked his hand with hers.

“Did you knock up our sweet Cassiopeia, Wolfie?” Jax tutted. “You haven’t even put a ring Copyright 2016 - 2024