Keepers of the Flame (Trilogy Bundle) - By Melissa F. Hart Page 0,8

and even though I would have slit my throat before admitting it to him, he intimidated me.

“Look, I didn't ask for this. My grandmother didn't even bother to discuss it with me. If there is any understanding we need to 'come to,' it's that I don't need a bodyguard.”

He kept quiet and watched me without saying a word. His stillness got to me and made me nervous. “What?” I snapped when he still didn't say a word.

“Are you done talking?” he asked.

I nodded reluctantly. “Yeah, for now.”

“Good. Then hear me out. You might be used to getting your way, but this time around it's not going to happen.” I frowned at his tone and opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it. “I'm not done yet!”

I bit my lips in annoyance, but kept quiet.

“You, of all people, should know that many times life gives us what we don't ask for. Well, this is one of those times, Princess, and you're gonna have to deal with it. I'm here to stay and the sooner we work together, the easier our collective lives will be.”

I listened to him in silence and bit my lip harder. I felt the familiar tears prickling at the back of my eyes and blinked furiously to push them back. I knew what he was referring to of course, and I was mad that he would use what had happened to push home his point. I turned my back, faced the window and wrapped my arms around my suddenly chilly body. I felt like his words had caused a rupture in my soul and I needed to find a way to stick on the Band-Aids that had been holding me together.

“If you're done, I'd appreciate it if you could leave now.” There was none of the former rancor in my voice.

“But we still need to mark out a plan and ...”

“I need to be alone.” I cut him short. “Please.”

My softly spoken words must have gotten through to him because not long after, I heard the door click shut. I climbed on top of the window seat and, leaning my head out of the window, I let the wind dry the tears that I refused to cry.

Chapter Five

I stayed in my room without coming out for two whole days. I know Katrina had tried to enter but I'd put a lock-protect spell around my door and she'd kept away. I knew she could have broken through the spell if she'd wanted, but I guess she was letting me get it out of my system. She knew how much I hated to sulk and two days was the longest I'd ever gone. I was already sick of it. Yes, I knew I was sulking and even though it was something I usually despised, I figured this time around, I was entitled.

On the third day however, I'd had enough and I was ensconced in the living room watching reruns of some vampire series when they both came in. Dylan was the first to enter the living room from the guest room and he just stood by the door, staring at me. I pretended to focus on the TV set and totally ignored him. Just because I was no longer in a snit didn't mean I was happy about his presence in my home.

Next Katrina entered, looking glamorous in blush colored silk lounge pants and a crew neck tee. I mentally rolled my eyes and went back to what I was watching even though I wasn't paying attention anymore.

From the corner of my eye, I watched them exchange glances and then Katrina shrugged. I tried hard not to feel resentful that Mister Macho had come into and in so short a time, insinuated himself with my grandmother, but I failed dismally.

“Why on earth a vampire would want to watch human shows about vampires beats me.” Katrina said in a bright voice as she sailed into the living room and sat beside me on the sofa.

I was holding onto a throw pillow and I clutched it tightly. “I like them,” I mumbled.

“I have no idea why humans are so fascinated with vampires, but I suppose I can understand it. But you are a vampire, so what is the fascination?”

“I'll go make breakfast.”

I turned to Dylan then and noted the smile on his face.

“You cook, too? I hope grandmother is paying you enough.” I winced at how waspish I sounded.

“Excuse me,” he said quietly and walked into the kitchen.

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