Keepers of the Flame (Trilogy Bundle) - By Melissa F. Hart Page 0,47

as possible.” Elona said, walking to where I was standing.

Just then three other protectors came into the living room from the inner part of the house. “Any sign of them?” She asked and they shook their head.

I felt weak as the fear came back with a vengeance. This was ten times worse than losing my fiancée to Lord Morrison when I was eighteen. The evil Lord had been my mentor and had betrayed me in the worst possible way. After I'd lost Ceecee, I thought that with her had gone my ability to love anyone else. But I was wrong. Luanne had shown me that I had never reached my full capacity with Ceecee.

I rubbed the region where my heart was supposed to be, wondering at the searing pain I was feeling there. If anything happened to her, I knew the fault would be mine. I had made it impossible for her to come to me. If I hadn't been such an ass hole, she might have come to me instead of going off on her own. When she'd gone underwater at the Serpentine and I hadn't been able to find her, I'd felt such fear and panic that as soon as we were safe, I'd withdrawn. The strength of my feelings had sent me running. What a coward I was, I thought bitterly.

Oh Luanne, what have I done to you?

I could feel the tears welling up and it was only Elona's hand on my back that kept them at bay.

Suddenly, I felt Luanne reaching out to me.

Dylan? My love, are you there?

Luanne? Luanne! Where are you honey? Are you okay? Please tell me you're fine?

Hey calm down, lover boy!

I could hear her laughter and it made my heart sing.

Okay, I'm calm. But please tell me where you are.

Inside the vault.

How do we get there?

She was silent a moment and I began to panic afresh. Luanne?

Katrina says you should get Elona.

Okay. Okay, I'll get Elona. But are you okay, my love?

I'm fine, Dylan. I love you and can't wait to see you. So hurry!

I felt lighter than I'd felt in a very long time. I looked around for Elona and found her in conversation with another Protector I recognized from one of my field assignments. I walked over to her.

“Sorry to interrupt. Elona they're in the vault and Katrina is asking for you.”

Elona's eyes lit up and she clapped her hands together. “All right, everyone. We've located the subjects. Now get your asses in gear and follow me.”

She turned and marched towards a door. I was right behind her. When she stopped in front of a wall, I frowned until I remembered studying in protector school about a special vault designed by Katrina Kylor. I'd never seen one in action as there was only a handful ever made in the world. I stood next to Elona in anticipation. She stood absolutely still and so did everyone else, then she closed her eyes and stretched out her hands toward the wall. There was a faint click and the wall slid back.

As the hidden panel opened, the most beautiful view met my eyes. Sitting on a sofa, arms around each other, were Katrina and Luanne. I had eyes only for the beautiful blond who was the other part of me. As soon as she saw me, she jumped off the sofa and ran to me. I barely had any warning before she threw herself into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her petite frame and buried my face in her hair. I didn't care that an entire group of protectors was watching us, I was just grateful to have her back in my arms.

I noticed then that a group of protectors were leading someone away. I drew back in surprise.

“Keenan the creep? He's the one behind all this?” The disbelief was clear in my voice.

“He's Lord Morrison's son.” Luanne told me.

I felt fury rise up in me and I wanted to personally wring his neck. I knew I should have beaten him to pulp when I got the chance. He'd had a date with Luanne a few days back and had been rude to her the next day when he'd discovered we were dating. I wanted to beat him down and stomp him into the ground. I made a move toward him and saw him flinch in fear, the coward. Then Luanne's hand on mine made me pause.

“He's not worth it.” She said gently.

I stared at her hand on my arm and acknowledged she was right. So I gave him one final look and turned away.

“How's Katrina?” I asked her.

“As irascible as ever.” She said with a smile.

I looked over her shoulder and saw Katrina talking with Elona. The other woman laughed at something Luanne's grandmother had said and I felt a smile tug at my lips. She noticed me looking at her and winked at me. I winked back at her before turning to Luanne.

“Ready to go?” I asked, drinking in the sight of her.

“Whenever you are.”

I led her outside to the car I'd driven over. I opened the passenger door, but drew her close to me before she entered.

“I'm so sorry, Luanne.” I whispered in her hair.

She hugged me back tightly, “What for?”

“I was a jerk. I have no excuse; it's just that I thought I'd lost you at the Serpentine and was scared at the intensity of my feelings. That's why I acted the way I did. I shouldn't have ignored you that way. I'm really sorry.”

She drew away from my arms slightly and cupped my face in both hands. “I should have gone to you and made you tell me what was eating you up.” She said slowly. “I'm sorry I didn't do that. Let's agree to talk to each other when something's bugging us, okay?”

I looked at her carefully, something was different about her. It was almost as though she'd grown up in the past few hours. I kissed her deeply for several minutes.

“I love you babe, you know that, don't you?” I said after we broke apart for air.

She smiled and I saw the joy in her eyes. “I love you too, sweetheart.”

My heart was near to bursting then. I had no idea what the coming days would bring, but I was just grateful for the opportunity to face eternity with the wonderful woman in my arms. I still had issues and stuff I needed to deal with, but I knew we would make it together.

THE END Copyright 2016 - 2024