Keepers of the Flame (Trilogy Bundle) - By Melissa F. Hart Page 0,34

people at a particular age and is really important.”

It didn't sound so strange to me but I still needed to understand some stuff. So I'd looked up at them earnestly and asked, “Will Claudia get a similar stone when she turns thirteen?” Claudia was my little sister.

My mum had smiled; her brown eyes twinkling as she'd gently brushed some strands of hair off my face. I'd winced but I hadn't pushed her hand away. “Claudia will get a special gift,” she'd said. “But I'm not sure if it will be a gemstone or when she'll get hers.”

It wasn't until I'd almost been killed last year that I got to really understand the meaning of the stone and how crucial it was to the existence of our race. That time, I'd been afraid of even my own shadow. I had no idea when the stone would give sudden warning before I would be attacked, or even shot at. That was a time I have no desire to relive. Yet with the disappearance of Katrina and the ransom note that was left for her, it seems I'm being sucked into yet another dangerous situation. And as much as I hated being back in London, I knew I would do anything for Katrina.

I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew, Dylan was gently shaking me awake.

“Lu, baby, we're here.”

“Where's here?” I asked stifling a yawn.

“Somewhere in Knightsbride. We're at the London Protector HQ.”

“Okay.” What I really wanted to know was when we needed to be at Greenwich, which was where the kidnapper or kidnappers had asked us to meet them. The exact address in the note they left just happened to be the same address where I'd lived all my life until I left to live with Katrina. Coincidence much? I didn't think so.

“We'll try and establish contact tonight. In the meantime, we'll wait and see how it goes, okay?”

I nodded, “Sure.”

He dropped a kiss on my head and stepped out of the Bentley. I sat still for a few seconds, grateful that I didn't have to face this alone. Grateful that I had a boyfriend like Dylan who I knew would go to the end of the world for me. At least, I got the impression he would. With a sigh, I opened the door and stepped out. It was time to go save Katrina.

Chapter Two

It was several days before we could go save Katrina. Even though we had the location, the intelligence reports we got showed that there was no activity in that address. No one knew where Katrina was and we hadn't heard from the kidnapper or kidnappers. I was beginning to go crazy just sitting put, doing nothing. Dylan tried to help and getting to know him was a good distraction. But it only stood to reason that the inactivity would get to us eventually.

That morning we were lying next to each other. We'd just come into the room and were exhausted. I didn't even bother to change out of my clothes as I collapsed on the bed. I moved a little and rested my head on his arm. The other arm automatically came around me.

“This is driving me crazy.” He said after a while.

I was surprised to hear him admit it. I knew Dylan was the action type, he was a protector after all, but he was always so sure of himself and in control. I'd never known him to let any vulnerability show. I caressed his chest, thrilled with the way his muscles corded and rippled.

“I'm sure we'll get information any day now.” I soothed.

“It's just that I was so sure we would be on our way back to the states now. I want to spend time with you and take you on dates and everything.”

I smiled in delight. “Well, we might not be able to go on dates right now, but we are spending time together.” I pointed out.

“We are, aren't we?”

“Yeah. And we can talk. We haven't done much of that, really.” Probably because we'd spent eight months on the phone before we'd finally begun dating, we seemed to spend more time necking than anything.

“Okay. So what do you want to talk about?” He asked.

I knew what I wanted to talk about, but it was a topic that had been out of bounds, sort of. Still, I needed to know and he needed to talk about it. So I resorted to telepathy. Tentatively, I reached out and tried to connect with him.

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