Keepers of the Flame (Trilogy Bundle) - By Melissa F. Hart Page 0,19

My face is pretty enough. My eyes are almond shaped and they're gray. Admittedly, it's not as nice as having baby blues, or exotic green eyes, and I would probably kill for Claire's lovely brown Bambi eyes. Still, they’re mine and not bad. My nose is normal and my lips are just fine, maybe a little too full and too wide. But I don't deceive myself. I know the real reason I get asked out at least five times every week is because of my bust. Have I mentioned I have a small frame? Can you imagine what a D cup looks like on that frame? Yeah, you got it. Cutting my hair is not the only thing I'm considering.


That's Katrina calling. Even though she can just appear in my room, she's good about knocking before she enters, or calling in this case. I waited a beat and sure enough, she appeared in my room.

“What do you think?” I turned to her.

She eyed my outfit without saying a word. I was dressed in a pair of skinny jeans, with a black French-cut t-shirt. She shook her head at me.

“Haven't I taught you anything, child?”

I knew what she meant. I looked at her then, clad in her latest designer ensemble. Katrina was hands down, the most stylish person I knew. No celebrity, mortal or vampire, holds a candle to her. Of course it helped that her face was completely free of wrinkles. There was no strand of grey in her lovely auburn curls and she had the body and face of a thirty year old model. The truth was that she's a little over a hundred and fifty years old, but she would kill anyone who mentioned her age.

“I don't have anything else to wear,” I moaned.

She tut-tutted at me then snapped her fingers. Instantly a very little dress in red leather appeared in her hands. She held it out to me and I reluctantly put it on. I stared at my reflection in fascinated horror. Did I forget to mention that the dress was very little? It barely covered my backside, and clung to my body like a second skin and to make matters worse, it had no straps.

“Is it your goal to get me ravished this evening?”

“None of your lip, young lady.” She ordered and snapped her fingers again.

Another dress appeared, this time a floral affair in pale yellow. It had straps too, or at least a single strap as I discovered when I put it on. It hugged my bust then flared gently, ending just above my knees.

“Perfect,” she stated in satisfaction.

Even I had to admit that it was perfect. I looked lovely and not too formal. It was a first date and we were going to a fancy restaurant, still I did not want to look too dressed up.

“I like it,” I said with a pleased smile. My smile faded slightly as I looked at my hair, caught in its usual ponytail. Hmmm, what to do with the hair?

“You need to do something about your hair, you can't go in a ponytail,” Katrina pointed out.

“Actually, I can. Ponytails are very hip right now,” I said just to be contrary.

She delicately rolled her eyes at me. “Does anyone even use the word hip these days? You're the teenager, Lu. Try to keep up with the times. Now sit down,” she ordered.

I sighed as I obediently sat on the stool at the dressing table. I knew it was pointless to argue. Katrina in her take-charge mode was impossible to resist. Besides, I knew next to nothing about hair and makeup and stuff and I figured there was no harm trusting a woman who had decades of experience in that stuff. I should have known better.

She stood beside me and tilted her head from side to side, making small hmmm sounds. She placed both hands on her hips and walked from my right hand side to my left hand side. After a few moments of that, I began to fidget. How hard could it be anyway?

“Stay still, girl. I'm trying to create a masterpiece here.”

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything. When she was satisfied, she stood behind me and waved her index finger in an air circle. My long tresses of hair suddenly rearranged themselves into a topknot at the back of my head. There were tendrils escaping from each side and it all looked very sophisticated. I looked at my reflection and thought that if I ever Copyright 2016 - 2024