Keepers of the Flame (Trilogy Bundle) - By Melissa F. Hart Page 0,16

chest in height, and lifting her up her chin, smiled at Morrison. At that moment, I felt my respect for her move up several notches.

“Morris love, it's been ages,” she purred.

He laughed then and I could see why someone like Katrina had fallen for him. He was still handsome and was oozing charm.

“And you'd love it to be several ages more, wouldn't you?” he said with a smile.

Katrina just shrugged. “If we were meeting under different circumstances, we might have stopped for a chat. But you've invaded my home and you have both my granddaughter and my guest surrounded. What is the meaning of this, Morrison?”

“I don't mean you any harm, Katy. Just hand over the girl and we'll be out of your hair.” He lifted a hand to brush her hair from her face and she stepped back.

“You know I'm not going to do that. You would have to kill me first.”

His eyes narrowed. “I'm really quite fond of you, Katy. But don't think I won't kill you if I have to. I want that stone and nothing's going to stand in my way.”

“If you want it so badly, I can hand it over to you.”

We all turned when we heard Luanne's voice. She had moved a few steps closer to where her grandparents were standing.

“Hmm, I can see your grandmother has been training you well. I want you as well as the stone. After all, don't you think it's time I got to know my granddaughter?”

Luanne snorted and I pushed down a chuckle. “As if! You never bothered, so I'm pretty much sure it's not a relationship with me you're after. I'm just curious though, what happened this evening? What sent you scurrying away with your tail between your legs?”

I held my breath and it seemed almost everyone else in the room did the same. I was also curious, but Luanne was treading on thin ground. Morrison was a very dangerous man. I saw the fury light up his eyes, but being the consummate warrior that he was, he controlled his reaction.

“That is no concern of yours,” he said shortly.

“You were scared off, weren't you?” she taunted, moving closer. “So even if I go with you, what makes you believe you can get me to do what you want?”

“Ah, I did underestimate you didn't I?” Morrison's eyes glittered with pure evil. “I don't have the need to make you do anything. All I need is your essence, girl.”

There was shocked silence. “What do you want to do with her essence?” Katrina cried in horror.

Lord Morrision looked really pleased with himself. “I'm sure you've heard of artificial intelligence? I've developed a robot that has everything needed to be a keeper. Once we transfer her essence to the robot, we'll have no further use for her.”

“If you take her essence you'll kill her, you bastard!” I yelled struggling against the bonds in vain.

He turned speculative eyes to me. “Hmm, it appears the Protector has feelings for the Keeper. Didn't I teach you better than that, Farley?” He studied me for a moment. “How is your father, boy? Heard from him lately? No? Shame.”

I grit my teeth and forced myself to remain silent. Morrison had discovered me and he had been my trainer and mentor when I'd joined the protectors. He knew me maybe better than anyone else did and there was no one I hated more on earth.

He turned away from me, bored. “All right! Enough of the chit chat. We need to be on our way. Come, girl!”

He stretched his hand out and drew Luanne to him. One minute she was standing several steps from him in the middle of the living room, and the next she was standing right beside him. He grabbed her hand and began to move.

“No! You can't take her, you coward!” Katrina launched at him.

He lifted his free hand and blasted a ball of fire at her. She flung both hands out and a produced a shield of ice. Katrina was immediately attacked from all angles and as she battled her assailants, I struggled against my bonds, feeling totally helpless as Morrison dragged Luanne with him.

“Dylan, help me!”

I could hear her screaming and tears of rage filled my eyes. Where was the backup I'd requested? Why were they taking so long. The battle between Katrina and the other vampires raged on and while she was definitely a match for them, I could tell she was tiring.

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. I Copyright 2016 - 2024