Keep Me (Rebel Hearts Heists #2) - M. Sinclair Page 0,88


Lagi’s normally expressionless face opens up in a satisfied grin. “I’m afraid my former boss is otherwise detained. Also … CIA, you bastard. You’re definitely under arrest.”

“I’m surrounded by fucking incompetents!” VDB seethes. And then he says something about Kaden and Lagi not having jurisdiction because we’re in international waters.

“I’m afraid your statement is incorrect, Господин Van Der Beck (Mr. Van Der Beck).” Ekaterina looks at the watch on her wrist. “We reentered Monegasque waters exactly … thirty-five seconds ago. But if you have any doubts on jurisdiction, KGB, you’re most definitely under arrest.”

VDB’s composure starts showing the first cracks. “You can’t do this! You have no proof that I did anything illegal. I’ll be free before the local police even boards this boat. Alicia, call my lawyer, tell him to—”

Lagi smirks, interrupting VDB. “We have proof of all your crimes, VDB. It’s over. From your partnership with Kronin to framing Alicia’s husband.”

“Alicia, that’s bullshit. I never framed anyone. Roger is the one—”

Blaine’s mother takes a step back. “I hope you rot in jail, you bastard! I’ve never loved you. I’ve never even liked you. I was just with you to prove my husband’s innocence. I’m glad I didn’t have to marry you.” She pulls her arm back and throws the huge bridal bouquet, hitting VDB square in the face. “Throwing the bouquet has always been my favorite part of weddings.”

She walks toward Blaine, throwing herself in his arms, crying and apologizing for everything. Explaining that her motives for being with VDB had to do with love, her love for his stepfather. Royce takes a step toward his stepmother and the three of them hug while Kaden, Lagi and Ekaterina handcuff VDB and the latter takes him away to join Kronin until we’re back in port.

Holy shit… it is over. We have done it.

Sloane – One Hour Later

“I was just notified that the order to release Roger Barrington has been forwarded and signed by a judge. Your father will be freed in the next couple of hours and his assets reinstated. I believe the US government owes him some heartfelt apologies and probably some hefty restitution for his incarceration,” Special Agent Walker says looking at Royce and Blaine.

We’re still on Kronin’s yacht and we’ve just docked in the private port within VDB’s resort. VDB and Kronin have been taken into custody by the local authorities. They’re now being detained awaiting extradition and we’re all congregated in Kronin’s office to discuss our situation.

“I’ll be on the first available flight back to LA. Is there a way to let Roger know that I’m going to meet him back at the house?” Walker reassures Alicia that he’ll make sure her de facto ex-husband will be informed about her intention to reunite with him.

Since VDB was taken into custody at the altar, Alicia has been standing between Royce and Blaine, her arm wrapped around Blaine’s waist. “I think your father and I will take a few days to decompress and get back to normal. Maybe then we’ll go away, somewhere fun and relaxing. I was thinking Hawaii or some place similar,” Alicia says smiling at her son. “Will you guys join us?”

Blaine doesn’t immediately commit to it. “We’ll see, Mom. It depends on the others too. But it’d be nice to have a real holiday for once.” He casts a meaningful look toward Walker and the FBI agent nods.

“It’ll be up to you what you want to do, Mr. Barrington. As far as I’m concerned, you, your brothers and your other associates have upheld your end of our deal. So you’re free to go. Just let me give you one word of advice as a parting gift though. Next time someone close to you finds themselves in trouble with the law, try to prove their innocence following the proper legal channels. If your little bank robbery operation isn’t landing you, your brother and your friend in a federal prison for a couple of decades, you have to thank Special Agent Vance. He pushed and called in all the favors he was owed to negotiate this deal.”

I squeeze Kaden’s waist, lifting my face to look into the depths of his dark blue eyes, melting against him when he places a soft kiss on my temple.

“So Kades, what do you say? Does Hawaii sound good to you?” River asks with a wink and Kaden is fast to agree.

“Fuck, yeah. I have two years worth of leave to take and a holiday with my girl and you Copyright 2016 - 2024