Keep Me (Rebel Hearts Heists #2) - M. Sinclair Page 0,40

and something shifts in the room. The guys are now listening to what I’m saying, reflecting on the fact that there’s more at stake here than just our freedom.

“We need to find proof of Van Der Beck’s responsibility for the embezzlement before he sells his company and runs away where he can’t get arrested and brought back home to pay for his crimes. The Maldives don’t have extradition to the United States. We need to know if Alicia is involved in this or not. And we need to catch Kronin if it’s true that he’s selling nuclear weapons and understand why Van Der Beck is involved in all this. Is it greed or does Kronin have something on him? Because the situation doesn’t make sense. Van Der Beck built this resort to launder the embezzlement money and he obviously succeeded, so why get involved with a crazy, dangerous Russian criminal and risk it all? I don’t know about you but I noticed that Kronin scares our host. He got really nervous the second Kronin arrived. Plus, nuclear weapons? Regardless of why Van Der Beck is involved, do we really want nuclear weapons to fall into the wrong hands?”

My little speech has the guys looking at me in a different way and I have to admit I’m proud. Pierce had never viewed me as anything but something pretty to have on his arm. Well, that and someone to bully. I’m not saying that this is the first time my guys have seen me as smart or as capable but my words cause a tone change and I think … I’ve motivated them. I would be a fantastic team captain in sports, just saying.

River is the first one to react. “Fuck Kitten, I thought what made me hard for you was that tight little body and your perfect tits but that fucking brain of yours is just as goddamn sexy.” I swear to Christ, how the man could make me want to scold him for being so blunt and fuck him is beyond me.

Royce sighs, swiping his huge hand through his dark hair, deep in thought. “You know Princess, I hate it when you’re right. But there’s no way you’re going to pose for Kronin or spend any time with Stepfather Dearest unless we can keep you safe.”

Blaine nods. “You’re damn right skippy. What do you think, Kades? You’re in charge of this shit show, right?”

Kaden nods and muses, “The only way I would feel comfortable with you being in Van Der Beck’s room is if we could listen and possibly watch in ... and be nearby. I’d also prefer it if we could make the asshole a little less adept at overpowering you. I mean, I have bugs in the equipment I took with me but I don’t know how we could plant them without getting caught. But as for making the guy a little mellower, I don’t know what to do. This is an undercover op, without the backing of Interpol, so I wasn’t allowed to bring any, uhm … chemical aids.”

Blaine intervenes. “Planting the bugs shouldn’t be a problem. Van Der Asshole has gone to Paris for business and won’t be back until tomorrow night. Mom asked me and Royce to have a private dinner, just the three of us tonight in her suite. So Royce and I could easily do it. Once she drinks enough champagne, she’ll be distracted enough. I can’t help you about roofying him though.” This is where I have the solution to all of our problems.

“Eye drops.”

The guys all turn to look at me. “What?” They all look perplexed and I explain.

“Just a few eye drops in his drink will give Van Der Beck explosive diarrhea in a matter of minutes. They’re odorless and flavorless and work like a charm. Unfortunately they won’t kill him, but sure as hell, I’ll give your stepfather a night he’ll never forget.”

River chuckles and pulls me down on his lap, surrounding me with his strong, tattooed arms and looks at me with blatant admiration. “Who’s this dangerous, slightly evil vixen? I knew my sweet kitten had claws but this is all another level kinda shit!”

I can’t hide a little smirk of my own when I explain. “My high school bestie became a flight attendant. This is a very well known aviation trick to get retribution when a passenger is being an asshole to the crew. Sarah normally serves them a complimentary drink with her special little ingredient and Copyright 2016 - 2024