Keep Me (Rebel Hearts Heists #2) - M. Sinclair Page 0,3

Walker, I know how the system works.”

There’s silence and I realize that Kaden is in a stare off with Royce as River glares at Walker, and Blaine tries to comfort me. I need to push past this. I want out of this room and then … well, then I can deal with the rest. “I want River’s injuries looked at before we leave,” I mumble.

“Fine.” Walker nods.

“How do we know you’re not a lying piece of shit?” River asks casually but I don’t miss the tightness of his jaw.

“You have my word that we will let you go free,” Walker offers.

“I sure hope your word means more than Vance’s lies,” Royce spits out.

“Since we are doing this bullshit, can we get these cuffs off?” Blaine asks frustratedly.

Walker nods, standing and undoing our cuffs one by one, leaving mine for last. Immediately, Blaine tugs me into his lap, his arms like steel bands around me as he lets out a low rumble. Kaden steps back, wrenching a hand through his hair looking frustrated as well.

“Vance,” Walker states with a small smirk on his lips, almost seeming to enjoy the position Kaden’s found himself in. “I’m assuming you can show them upstairs where they can get ready to go and Mr. Rhodes can see a doctor?”

I have no idea what Kaden’s relationship is with Walker so I can’t tell if he finds this humorous because they’re friends or because he doesn’t like him. I mean, I don’t seem to know jack shit about Kaden, so me not understanding their relationship is the least of my concerns.

“Yeah.” He nods with a grunt. “Let’s go.”

Blaine helps me stand up and River and Royce follow us, the first leaning slightly to one side as Royce watches him with concern. As we push through the doors, immediately my nose is filled with a scent that makes me both sick and scared at the same time.


The bastard is here somewhere watching and I can’t help how I immediately curl up further against Blaine. The moment we enter the elevator, just the five of us, Kaden turns to us. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the gun at this hip, I’m not positive he would be safe. I’m also trying to ignore my issues with elevators … but with Pierce’s scent in my nose? It doesn’t help.

“Sloane,” Kaden whispers.

“Vance,” Royce barks. “Stop fucking talking to her, haven’t you caused enough problems? You couldn’t even get one fucking part right and get Pierce out of the picture.”

I shake my head and speak to both of them. “I don’t want to talk about it, let’s just get this over with so we can all move on.” I see Kaden wince at that.

The elevator opens to what seems to be a penthouse and Blaine leads me toward a long hallway, both of us no doubt hoping for a shower. A medical attendant helps River toward the table and Royce stops Kaden from following after us. I don’t stick around to hear what is said. I need a moment before I can deal with the implications of all of this.

Kaden never planned on sticking around, had he? This was just a job for him. One that he clearly got extra benefits from. I snort softly and sadly. No wonder he was so fucking set on the ‘responsibility’ speech when it came to safe sex. Wouldn’t want any little Kadens walking around when he threw our asses in jail, right? My jaw tightens as I shake my head feeling my fury bubble up again.

Then something hits me, my stomach bottoming out.

“Blaine,” I whisper as he closes the bedroom door and turns to face me, sliding off his shoes.

“Yeah, Honey Bunny?” he whispers softly, his voice almost sad.

“I’m sorry I lied about Pierce,” I mumble. Honestly, I’m ready for their anger but I’m not positive how I’ll handle it.

His gray eyes soften. “I think part of me had figured that out a while ago, Sloane. The guy seemed far too invested in you. But more than that, you didn’t owe us anything, beautiful. Everyone takes time opening up, and you shouldn’t be expected to spread all your cards on the table straight away.”

“But doesn’t that make me as bad as Kaden?” I mutter.

He barks out a humorless laugh while pulling off his shirt, as I slowly strip out of my clothes feeling a bit shaky. Instantly, Blaine has me lifted into his arms and is moving toward the shower, his hard length pressed against my Copyright 2016 - 2024