Keep Me (Rebel Hearts Heists #2) - M. Sinclair Page 0,22

but because my kitten deserves to live without having to constantly watch her own back.

We walk into the penthouse living room and it might be down to the fact that I grew up poor but this level of luxury always makes me feel on edge. Don’t get me wrong, I fucking love it but there’s something outrageous about gold moldings, frescos on the ceiling, white marble, fine china, and five thousand thread count cotton bedsheets. If I thought that the hotel in Beverly Hills was lavish, this is definitely on another level. It feels like being in a royal palace, it reminds me of the photos of Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle that I saw during the last two royal weddings in England.

Yeah, I may have watched those. What? Josie got such a kick out of it; I couldn’t deny her that.

The others are sitting on the huge white sectional, Royce and Kaden drinking coffee from the most exquisite china I’ve ever seen. And I fucking shit you not, Kaden looks completely at ease in the situation but Royce is just fucking ridiculous, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. But really, how you manage to get a massive linebacker, the gruff bank robber who wears a very appropriate mask of the hulk during our heists, to look like James motherfucking Bond is beyond me. The fragile coffee cup looks even smaller in his huge hands but somehow Royce looks like he’s in his element. It’s weird as hell seeing him like this and it makes me feel better knowing that he could probably turn violent pretty easily. I know, healthy, right?

The one who instead is uncharacteristically nervous is Blaine, who decided to ditch the coffee and help himself to some kind of amber color liquor from the perfectly stocked bar on one side of the sitting area. He fills a crystal tumbler with a dark amber liquid from a crystal decanter and empties the glass in one long gulp. He immediately refills it again and that’s when our eyes meet.

“Rivs, Honey Bunny, would you like something a bit stronger than coffee?”

I’ve got a funny remark right on the tip of my tongue, but Sloane gives me a warning look and I decide to play nice. I can rib the motherfucker later on, once he’s a little less on edge.


Stifler’s mom


The nervous energy radiating from Blaine is off the charts and that’s so unusual for him that I immediately worry and step by his side, tucking myself against him.

“Thank you, I’ll take a few sips of what you’re drinking,” I say, worried that the ironclad control that Blaine displays in every situation seems to be all but gone. I admit that I’m trying to slow down his drinking by asking to share from his glass. I know it’s kind of a bullshit move because I should tell him clearly I think that meeting his mom stinking drunk isn’t a good idea. But I don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable in front of the others, so I opt for a diversion technique instead.

If Blaine can see through my ploy, he doesn’t show it when he offers me his glass. If he’s pissed off about it, he can always punish me later. Yup, I loved being spanked in that boutique’s dressing room, so sue me if I want more. I even fucking surprised myself because I didn’t think I could ever be into this kind of shit, but the tension between Blaine and I resulted in some of the hottest sex I’ve ever had in my entire life. The memory of it alone makes my center throb in need and makes me want to be a very, very bad girl, if you get my drift.

I know, I know, this isn’t the time or place for these kinds of thoughts but have you ever wondered what would happen if you gave into your innermost thoughts or instincts whenever they actually spring into your mind? Like if you started screaming your head off while in line at the post office? That kind of thing. So in my typical dorky fashion, I think what would happen if I took an ice cube in my mouth, dropped down on my knees and started sucking Blaine’s cock in front of the others? Would they get mad? Or would they join in, shedding their expensive suits and worshipping my body all at once, acting like the well-oiled machine like they did during their heists?

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