Keep Me (Rebel Hearts Heists #2) - M. Sinclair Page 0,10

stopped being just about sex very early on for me.

So when she tries to walk away from me out of the small room, I use my body to trap her between me and the bathroom sink. “I don’t need to use the bathroom, Sloane. I came here to talk to you.”

She doesn’t back down, her eyes are full of anger when she looks at me dead on and speaks. “I don’t want to talk to you, Special Agent Vance. I want to go back to my seat.”

“Sloane ...” I warn her, my voice lower and firmer than intended.

“What? What are you going to do to make me talk to you? Are you going to handcuff me again?”

I don’t use my words to reply, I crush my lips onto hers to stop her from talking, pushing my body closer to hers to show her how goddamn serious I am. And her reaction is one of many reasons why I’m falling for this girl so fast and so fucking hard, she doesn’t back down, she doesn’t push me away, she bites into my bottom lip so hard that she draws blood.

It hurts like hell but at the same time it makes me impossibly hard, sending a million twisted fantasies into my head of what exactly I want to do to Sloane right now. I try to rein myself in because I want to explain, I need her to understand that what we had was real, is real. When I don’t withdraw from her, her teeth ease their grip on my bottom lip and she sucks it into her mouth, soothing my skin where she just broke it. Something different is floating between us and this feels way more dangerous than I probably intended.

I cup her jaw with one of my hands keeping her in place and slipping my tongue into her mouth, relieved that she doesn’t reject me immediately. If only a kiss could talk, if my lips could tell her how I feel about her without using words but only dancing against hers, caressing her the way I want to caress her whole body. I kiss her hotly and frantically, knowing that time is ticking and that she’ll eventually push me away. She kisses back with wild abandon and anger, matching every stroke of my tongue and I taste the same pain and desperation.

In a way, I wish I could turn back time but the reality is that I couldn’t change a thing about how I behaved. I wouldn’t have been able to tell her anyway; not because I didn’t trust her but because while I was protecting my own life by keeping my secret, I was also protecting hers. She breaks the kiss and I immediately push my body closer to hers, inhaling her scent of honey and flowers.

“I’m not sorry because I didn’t tell you, I couldn’t. But I wanted to, many times.” My hand leaves her jaw, tracing the delicate line of her neck, her collarbone the swell of her breasts that peeks from the sheer blouse she’s wearing. I can hear her breath hitch in her throat, feel her heart beat faster under my fingertips.

“That’s bullshit and you know it,” she growls.

“No, baby.”

“Liar! You didn’t trust me.” She accuses me, refusing to meet my gaze.

“This isn’t about trust, Sloane. Do you understand that by telling you, I could have put your life in as much danger as mine was?”

Her reaction isn’t what I was hoping for. “Are you saying that Royce, Blaine and River would have hurt me?”

“I’m saying that I don’t know what could’ve happened if they felt cornered. I wanted to tell you so many times. At the beginning so that you would’ve known that I’d protect you and after a while, because I started to care so much and I wanted you to know who I was. But just know that if your life had truly been in danger from the others, I wouldn’t have hesitated to blow my cover to save you.”

“I don’t believe you.” She inhales and anger is replaced by this heart-breaking wave of vulnerability. Fuck, I really screwed this one up.

“Sloane, I needed the others to stay calm until I worked out a deal with Walker. I’d been hoping to do that without anyone being arrested. But to do that, I needed everyone to keep calm and keep laying low. Please understand that. I didn’t want to put you in a position to choose between loyalty to me or to Copyright 2016 - 2024