Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1) - K.T Fisher Page 0,89

be telling the truth, he just can’t!

“You’re lying.” I whisper, trying to keep the tears at bay.

Demon drops his bottom lip, mocking me in my heartbreak. “When we knocked you out, your boyfriend didn’t like it. We had no choice but to put him down.”

He sounds so jealous with the way he talks about Brandon. I won’t believe him. I can’t believe him.

I love Brandon, surely I would feel something if he had died. I would feel it in my heart, right?

“He can’t get his hands on my Raven anymore.” He strokes my hair and I try to move out of his way but he stops my movements. “You’re mine, Raven. No more running away.”

I begin to cry. I can’t help it. My emotions are running high from being back with Demon and hearing all about Brandon, I just can’t take it. Seeing me cry, Demon slaps me hard across the face.

“How dare you cry for him?” He screams in my face. “It’s me you should care about!”

I try to hold them all back, but once I’ve started they all fall.

“You’re back with me now, fucking deal with it.” He grabs me around the neck and leans right into my face. “As punishment, I’ll let my men enjoy you later.”

With one final slap across the face, Demon leaves me alone to cry by myself.

Chapter 57


Now that my brothers and dad have joined the torturing party, we’ve moved onto different methods. I got to say, I didn’t know Baby and Devlin had it in them. I guess we’re a lot more alike than I originally thought.

I watch with a satisfied smile as Devlin and Baby tie Fury to the table. This isn’t any ordinary table, oh no this table is on a slant. When Fury is fully attached so he can’t move at all, but can still wriggle his head a round a little, he starts to panic. It’s as if he knows on some sort of primal level what’s going to happen.

Fury is lying straight, however, because the table slants, his feet are lying higher than his head. That’s very usual for what we have in mind. My dad and Brace showed me this method when I first patched in and I have to admit, it scared me a little but I’ve never had to use it. Until now.

I need to find Lauren and I will do anything to make that happen.

“Do you know what’s going to happen, shit face?” Baby leans into Fury’s face.

I can see how much my family cares for Lauren, and they want her back as much as I do. Or maybe it’s the fact that they see how miserable I am. Whatever the reason, I’m thankful for them helping. It means a lot.

Fury shakes his head desperately, making Baby and Devlin chuckle.

“We’re taking you back in time.” Devlin adds. “Back to a time where torturing was at its absolute best.”

I can’t help but laugh at their scary show and looking at Fury because it’s really working. He’s fucking terrified. When I realize how much I need Fury to reveal where Lauren is being kept, my smile drops and I become determined to get what I need.

My dad gets the water hose and turns it on. Fury becomes curious as to why there’s water involved. My dad starts to spray the water all over his body, and then gradually gets down to his face. Time for me to step in.

“Where is Lauren?” I ask him and like every other time before, he stays quiet. “Where is Demon keeping her?” I roar.

He doesn’t answer and I give a nod to my dad. He begins to drench Fury’s face in the water and it starts to choke him almost immediately. This will feel like he’s drowning and Fury begins to cough and spits water everywhere. Another nod to Franky and he takes it from Fury so that he can breathe again.

I lean down next to him again. “Tell me where she is!”

Fury shakes his head, but I see a glimmer of defeat in his eyes, so I nod to my dad to do it all over again. The water splashes everywhere as he chokes and I hear him try to speak. I hold my hand up for my dad to wait a minute and when there’s no water drowning him, I look down at Fury.

“You need to say anything?” I glare down at him.

Fury takes deep breaths, but doesn’t give me what I need so I motion for

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