Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1) - K.T Fisher Page 0,79

enter the living room, I halt in my tracks staring down at the young girl lying on the floor.

“Shit.” Devlin curses from beside me.

A choking noise comes from her and I quickly crouch down to her. I feel for a pulse but its so faint I doubt she will live long enough for us to get her back to the clubhouse. There’s a deep slash across her cheek and across the top of her right breast, but it’s the bullet wound to her chest that’s killing her.

“Shh.” Scrappy tries to settle her.

More choking sounds come from her. “Up.”

“What?” Devlin asks.

“She said ‘up’.” I answer.

“Up?” Scrappy asks her and with a huge amount of effort she points up.

“Bomb.” As soon as she says those words Scrappy lays down her head and stands.

“We gotta get out of here.” He demands.

“This was a trap.” Duke points out.

I look down to the girl, gasping for life in so much pain. I should put an end to it, but I can’t. I’d still be killing an innocent woman, and that’s not me.

“Run!” I shout and we all speed towards the front door.

Just as I make it out, behind my brothers an ear piercing sound explodes and throws me across the road.

I land with a hard thud but I’m alive and unhurt. I can’t say the same for Duke though. He’s not had a great landing and won’t wake up.

“Shit!” I shout getting my phone out.

“Yeah?” My dad answers on the first ring.

“I need a truck.” I sigh with defeat. He was right.

“I’m on it, son.” He hangs up and I’m grateful he won’t rub it in.


“Prospect!” I hear Franky shout loudly from the other side of the room. “Get the biggest truck we have right now and get it out to West’s place!”

He orders members to get on their bikes and get out there. He looks on edge and I don’t like it. Brandon is out there and he’s ordering more men to follow. Something has gone wrong.

Within an hour, my gut feeling is proved right when Duke is wheeled in much like how West was. He doesn’t look as bloody, but he still doesn’t look healthy. I look around, trying to find Brandon and then I spot him quickly storming in. He has dirt and blood all over him and I don’t think, I just run. He opens his arms and I run into them, not caring how dirty he is.


I haven’t seen Brandon all night and most of today. He said he was busy with the club and to be honest, I haven’t seen much of the others either. Whatever happened last night was something serious and I just hope everyone’s ok.

Drew sits beside me on a bench outside. “Have you heard any news?” I ask her.

“Duke has woken up but I don’t know about West.” She looks down at her fingers and I then see the tattoo I spotted the other day.

“New tattoos?” I thought it was a simple question but Drew quickly makes sure to cover her arms.

“Can you see?” She panics.

“Well yeah, why are you so worried?” I laugh.

“Because my mum would kill me, that’s why. She never allows me to have any so I have them where she can’t see, but this one turned out bigger than I expected.” She heavily sighs and looks up to the sky.

“Wow.” I laugh. “You have got to tell her, you’re a twenty-three year old woman, Drew.”

“I know.” She cringes. “Anyway, I have some news for you.”

“What?” I become very interested.

“Has anyone told you about the fight club here?” She asks.

Chapter 51


Tonight is my fucking night!

I walk through the club house, all ready and pumped. My adrenaline is kicking in and I can’t wait to get in there and knock the fuck out of someone. The past couple of days, no make that weeks, have been fucking hard and I need this. I don’t know why I haven’t come here sooner.

Before I met Lauren I would come here every weekend, maybe more. My body is itching for it!

I push through the doors, not looking around at anyone in the room. My main focus is the ring in the middle. I spot Blaze, my opponent for the night and zone in on him. He’s my only focus right now. Nobody else is on my mind.

I go to my corner, pulling my hoody over my head and jump up and down to warm my body for the fight to come. I have only my baggy

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