Kansas (Ruthless Kings MC Atlantic City #2) - K.L. Savage Page 0,69


“Goodness, I bet everyone gets your names mixed up since the names all start with V,” he says. I can hear the smile in his voice, trying to remain in good spirits.

“My sisters… are they okay?”

“I can’t see from here, Violet. The sirens are getting closer, though. Everything is going to be fine.”

“Kansas,” I mumble, fighting dizziness. “Take me to Kansas.” My head lulls to the side of the scratched-up metal and glass digs into my skin.

“Hey, no, no. What’s in Kansas? Your parents there?” My eyes droop, and he tries to keep me awake by shouting, “Violet, stay awake. I really need you to.”

“Sir, I’m going to need you to step back.”

“Thank God, you’re here. There are three girls in there. They are really banged up. You have to help them,” Gregory says through a panicked breath.

I hear loud crunching and a drill, maybe a saw of some sort, but I can’t see anything. I’ve given in. I want to go to sleep. It all hurts.

“Stabilize the C-spine.”

I turn my neck to see two firefighters. Or maybe paramedics, I can’t tell. My vision is too blurry. They are getting Veronica out. She’s lying still on the board. Her hand has fallen off the gurney and there’s blood trickling down her finger.

“Hey.” A paramedic crawls into the car and begins wrapping something around my neck. “We are going to get you out of here.”

“My sister. Get my sister,” I argue, doing my best to push him away from me.

“You have a piece of glass in your femoral artery. You’re bleeding out. You are first priority,” he says, leaning in to wrap the collar around my neck.

“I’m refusing…” I cough again. “Until my sister is out of this car.”

He sighs, but he has to listen to me since I denied treatment. Pulse taught me that. He climbs into the back, and a few minutes go by before a yellow board comes through the window. When Victoria’s secure, they lift her out, and I breathe easier knowing they are getting help.

“Don’t fight me, okay? It’s your turn now.” He stabilizes my C-spine with a neck brace and cuts me out of the seatbelt when it won’t come unbuckled. A burst of heat hits us in the face and a flurry of loud commotion outside the car has my heart rate spiking.

“You need to get out of there! The engine is on fire. It’s going to blow!” someone screams over the blaze to inform us.

“I’m not leaving without her!” he shouts.

“I’m scared,” I admit through the haze. “I’m so scared.”

“I know, hey, I know you are.” He takes my hand and squeezes, hooking me against him. “You’re doing great, Violet. Okay? You’re going to be alright. There’s no time to stabilize you further. We need to go.”

I nod as he swings me into an awkward hold. I cry out when the glass moves deeper into my leg.

“I know,” he says, crawling out the back window. When fresh air hits my face, he sets me on a gurney, and I stare up at the man who saved my life. His nametag says Wilson. “Thank you.”

“Anytime, Violet,” he smiles as they load me into the ambulance.

I’m starting to feel drowsy again.

“Her blood pressure is tanking. We need to go now.”

“Take me to Kansas,” I repeat through a twisted tongue.

Wilson shines a light in my eyes. “What’s in Kansas, Violet? Talk to me.”

“Everything,” I whisper before giving into the darkness.

Everything is in Kansas.

“How are you holding up?” Arrow asks, walking into my room with One-Eye, Satyr, and Void.

I’m sitting on the couch, feet up on the coffee table, watching a show I’ve never heard of on my sixty-inch flat-screen TV. Honestly, I’m not even paying attention to the show. My mind is reeling from meeting Carson, Stevie, and Brighton. I’m so mad at them. Deep down, I know it isn’t their fault, but the audacity they have coming here to ask for my bone marrow for that man… it’s unbelievable.

The guys take a seat next to me and Void places a six-pack of beer on the table. “Brought some goods too,” he says, bringing out a plastic baggy that has a few tightly rolled blunts in it.

“I’m fine.” I lean forward and snag a beer from the plastic. The can hisses when I crack it open, and I take a big gulp. “I thought you went with Violet, One-Eye?”

“I stayed behind because she threatened to cut my throat if she didn’t get some space.”

“Yeah, sounds like

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