Kace (Shattered Souls MC #3) - Heather Dahlgren Page 0,70

a picture for me?” The one I got from my doctor appointment is gone now. I thought about it while I watched Rachel dry humping Damon.

The doctor prints me out a picture and hands it to me. Harper leans over and we both stare at it for a few minutes.

“I’m going to get your prescription and discharge papers. I want you to rest until your injuries are healed. No driving, no drinking, no drugs.”

“I’m pregnant, I don’t think it’s necessary to say no drinking or drugs,” I say.

He shakes his head as he grabs the ultrasound machine. “You’d be surprised.”

As he walks out of the room, Harper kisses my cheek. “That’s one perfect kid there.”

I smile as I look at the little outline of the face. “Yeah it really is.”

Harper brought me back to Souls. She helped me shower, get in my sleep shirt and shorts, and helped me to bed. She told me to try to get some sleep while she gets us something to eat. It’s impossible to sleep though. My mind is spinning with everything that happened.

I truly believed I was going to die. I cursed Kace and this club for putting me and the baby in that situation. The fear I felt was unlike anything I’ve ever encountered before. They liked seeing how scared I was, and I tried to cover it up, but there was no way. The pain I endured is something that will haunt my dreams forever.

When night fell it was even worse. I didn’t have the small strip of light shining through the covered window. It was just a lantern. I couldn’t see where they were or what they were doing. I was in a lot of pain and when Casper ran out of the room because he heard something it intensified. Especially when I heard gunshots. Damon about lost his damn mind as he ran out, leaving me alone.

I tried loosening the zip ties, but it was no use. I tried listening to what was happening, but I couldn’t hear anything, until Kace screamed my name. My heart stopped and the tears started again. He came for me.

When Damon came back in the room, I was certain Kace was dead. I begged him to leave me alone, but he didn’t say a word. He cut open my shirt which caused me to scream because I thought he was going to rape me, but he didn’t. He cut the zip ties and stood back. “Get the fuck out of here.” His deep voice saying those words is etched in my memory.

I ran and when I saw Kace was alive I almost lost the use of my legs. Having his arm around me, being surrounded by his scent made me finally feel safe.

That is until he told me to leave. I wanted to run but I wanted to run with him. That wasn’t the plan though. He gave himself up for me. I look up at the ceiling as a tear runs down my cheek.

I quickly wipe it as the door opens and Harper walks in. She’s carrying two plates with pizza and a few bottles of water.

“I knew you wouldn’t get any sleep,” she says, handing me my plate.

“Have you heard from Zane?” I ask, my sad eyes searching hers.

She takes a bite of her pizza and shakes her head. “Not yet. The entire club is with them, so try not to worry. They’ll come back whole.”

“Kace won’t,” I say, looking down at my pizza. “Rachel and Damon looked all too happy when I ran out the door.”

“You don’t give Kace or the club enough credit. There’s always a plan.” She lifts her eyebrow looking at my slice of pizza, silently telling me to eat.

“Kace was alone when I left. There was no sign of anyone else. They could’ve killed him long before Zane got there. It’s too fucking much to think about,” I say, trying to eat around the lump in my throat.

“He loves you, Ivy. He did what was necessary to keep you safe. That’s what this club is about. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. They fight hard but love harder.”

I nod as I take in her words. I do understand now, I honestly do. The shit I went through was horrific and vile. Something that I will live with for the rest of my life. But Kace running in like a damn knight and saving the princess made me see it all so clearly. He told

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