Kace (Shattered Souls MC #3) - Heather Dahlgren Page 0,67

The fighting, the tears, the gun fire, the blood.

I shake my head and open the door. I race to Ivy’s car and get it. I peel out of there and head toward the abandoned houses just outside of town. The entire drive my mind is focused on Ivy. I don’t give a shit about anything else. The club made a bad call not going immediately. The shit that Damon could be doing to her makes me shake with rage. I press harder on the gas pedal, trying to get there faster. It feels like the roads are endless and the darkness is sucking me in. I take the joint out of my cigarette pack and light it. I need something to relax me because I’m climbing out of my damn skin.

I think back to what Gillian said about Rachel being with Damon. If she’s really pissed like Gillian said, the worry about what they could both be doing to Ivy doubles. Rachel was always one who wanted the adrenaline rush. She craved the action and fear that went along with it. It makes sense she’d be with Damon. Crazy is always attracted to crazy.

I cut the headlights when I get onto the street Gillian was talking about. I slowly drive looking at each house to see which one has some kind of light. This street used to be full of families, but one by one they started leaving. The drugs in the area drove them all out. The houses became the perfect place for drug deals, squatters, and apparently the Raging Kings.

I slam on the brakes when I notice a few lights flickers in the house in front of me. I slowly pull the car in front of the house and kill the engine. I take in my surroundings and feel confident there is no one outside. I leave the keys in the ignition and grab my Glock as I open the door. I don’t close the door completely; I want Ivy to just be able to rush out and get in.

Slowly, as I continue to check all around me, I make my way to the door. When I reach it I take a deep breath and reach back to feel the ultrasound picture in my back pocket. Your mom will tell you one day that I was man enough to give up my life for yours.

I touch the doorknob, but it’s locked. “Fuck looks like I’m gonna need to make my presence known sooner than I wanted,” I whisper to myself.

I use my shoulder and slam into the door over and over. When it starts to move, I use my foot and kick it wide open. I have my gun drawn as I step in. I’m not surprised when I see Casper rushing down the stairs in front of me. I catch him completely off guard, pulling the trigger I shot two rounds into his heart.

“Fuck,” he yells, falling forward and down the stairs.

“What the fuck!” Damon yells from upstairs.

I take a few more steps and I feel someone come up behind me. “Hey lover,” Rachel whispers, pushing the tip of a knife into my back.

“Fuck you, Rachel. Where’s Ivy?” I growl.

“You’re fucking dead,” Damon hisses as he begins to descend the stairs with his gun pointed right at me.

I have my Glock following his every move as he comes closer. “Yeah I probably am, but not until you let Ivy go.”

He gives me a manic laugh as he steps over Casper’s dead body. “Fuck no.”

“It’s me you want. Let her go and take me instead. She has nothing to do with this,” I shout.

Rachel laughs as she moves to stand in front of me. “You’re willing to die for a fucking chick? What the fuck happened to you?” she asks with a look of disgust on her face.

I ignore her and keep my focus on Damon. “Be a fucking man for the first time in your life. Kill me, get your revenge, but only if Ivy goes. If not, I will kill you and Rachel right now.”

He laughs as he cocks his gun back. “That’s not how this works. I’ll let your cunt go, but not until you hand Rachel your gun.”

Fuck. I shake my head as I grin. “Ivy walks out the door and I’ll hand my gun to Rachel.” They look at each other and I want to fucking kill them both. My anger is ripping through me as I keep my gun pointed at Damon.

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