Just a Positive Pregnancy Test - London Casey Page 0,12

more like a permanent send off than the end of a regular show.

As I exited the stage, I rubbed my jaw.

Everything Mickey and I had talked about had been crawling around in my mind. I was trying to write new music, yet it wasn’t happening. I didn’t find inspiration, not even in a nice hotel. I was missing a big part of my voice. And that was Mila.

I felt like if I forced myself to actually write something, it would sound like a breakup song. Some ballad about a guy on the road and the woman he loves back at home. Torn by distance and their own stubborn hearts.

Which would have made for a hell of a song.

But I didn’t want to write that song. I didn’t want to feel that way.

Mila and I…

I packed up my guitar and left through the back.

I didn’t bother to grab a drink at the bar. I didn’t bother to meet any fans.

I just wanted to get back to my motel room.

When I got there, I didn’t feel any better.

I put my guitar on the chair in the corner and I went to the bed to crash.

I sent a text to Mila and she responded right away.

I had to hear her voice…

“Hey, darling,” I whispered when she answered the call.

“Silas. Hey.”

“You’re up late.”

“Can’t sleep right now.”

“Why not?”

“Just a busy day.”

“Yeah. I just got in myself.”

“Good show?”

“It was okay. Not the same without you here.”

Mila laughed. “I’m sure you’re having fun. You’re doing what you want.”

“Yeah, I guess I am. But things are changing for me, Mila. I feel different. I can… I don’t know… I almost… are you okay?”

“I’m getting tired, Silas,” Mila said. “I don’t want to cut this short, but I think I should grab some sleep. I promised to help at the restaurant tomorrow. And I have to meet up with Claire at some point to talk about some things. You know, the usual around here.”

“The usual,” I said. “Right. Okay. Go get some sleep. I love you, Mila.”

“Love you too,” she said and hung up.

I pulled the phone from my ear and looked at it for a few seconds.

Something was off about her.

Something was way off.

I swallowed hard.

I asked myself one question.

What was I going to do about it?

The worst thing for a guy like me to have was time.

Time was my chance to sit with temptation and thoughts.

Both of which had made a career for me. Both of which had made a lot of money for me.

But as I sat behind the wheel of my truck, on my way to the next city, my thoughts ran rampant. My temptation… it jumped around the backseat of my truck like a puppy realizing it was going to the park to play.

My hands gripped the wheel tight.

I ended up on a long road with no traffic. It was the kind of road where no matter how fast you drove you felt like you weren’t moving at all. The horizon didn’t change. The road didn’t change. It was like I was suspended in time.

Not good, Silas. Not good at all. You know something is off about Mila. She’s pulling away. Or she’s pushing you away. Or maybe…

I ended up with a wild thought.

One I would never normally have had.

One I couldn’t get rid of.

Which meant I had to call her.

I had to throw it out there to Mila.

I knew how it was going to look.

I didn’t care because I told myself I loved her.

What was going through my head needed to be talked about.

I reached for my phone and called Mila.

“Am I bothering you?” I asked.


“We can talk later if you want.”

Mila laughed. “I’m kidding. I just got done helping Claire. Not sure what’s next for me. Might drive out to Crosby’s and check on him. He’s been a little quiet lately. Not sure what’s going on there. I wonder if something is wrong with the ranch again. He wants that place to become something so bad. Honestly, there have been times I wish he would just sell it to the Lovor’s. The money would be amazing. Then again, we all know what they would do with it. Turn it into-”

“Are you talking to Jett behind my back, darling?” I asked.

Mila was silent.

Too silent.


“I’m here.”

“I’m sorry to ask… but I just… I have this feeling and I can’t sort it out. I’m just wondering if you’re talking to Jett or maybe you’re seeing him.”

“Seeing him? You mean, like dating?”

“I don’t know,” I said.

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