Just My Luck - Alice Winters Page 0,98

waiting outside it, my stomach knots up tight. I shut the door behind me as I stare at him.

“You said too much, Killian.” He doesn’t seem upset about this realization.

My eyes drop to the floor.

“Do you know what has to happen now?” he asks, grinning at me. He loves this part. He loves what’s going to happen.

“She has to die,” I whisper.

“She does. Why don’t you take this one? Eh? Let’s see how well I’ve taught you.”


When the van finally stops, I turn to Shepherd and nudge him gently. “We’re here.”

Shepherd slowly sits up and looks around as Bear glances out the windows. He doesn’t seem very happy to be back here to the point that when Delta opens the door and tries to drag him out, Bear digs in his heels and starts to thrash.

Delta grabs him and shoves him through the open door where Tony is standing. “I see you even brought my dog home. Good job, Delta.”

Delta grabs me next, dragging me out before shoving me into a man’s arms who turns to Tony. “Where to, boss?”

“Take them both into my office, we’re going to have a long chat.”

We’re pulled after him and led down the all-too-familiar hallway to the room where I’d nearly been killed. It feels like years ago I was here, and I wonder if this time I’ll be as lucky.

Shepherd and I are shoved into two chairs as Tony paces in front of us.

He turns to me, ignoring Shepherd who looks a little better after his six-hour rest. “I heard you have something you’d just love to tell me.”

“I know what happened to Rose,” I say, keeping my voice steady and strong. I have the upper hand here; I have to show it.

Tony smirks at me. “And you didn’t happen to remember that all the times I beat you, punched you, and threatened your life? Awfully convenient that you know now.”

“That’s because I didn’t know what card to play yet. I didn’t know what to do and if it was worth playing. So I’m playing it now. In exchange for me telling you, you will let Shepherd and me go. You’ll never hunt for us again or search for us or even fucking look at us.”

Tony stares at me like he wants to negotiate this deal. “I’ll let you go, but I’m shooting Shepherd.”

My eyes narrow. “No. Both or you’re not getting it. Isn’t this all you’ve wanted? To know what happened to your child, and now you seem to think some petty fight between you two is worth more than her?”

Tony’s lip twitches before his eyes narrow. “Fine. Both of you will be set free but if Shepherd comes back, I kill him on the spot.”

“Deal. I have no way to make sure you don’t break this promise, but I hope you’re an honest enough man.”

“He will be,” Shepherd says. “Tony generally does what he says he’s going to do.”

Tony starts laughing and I think it confuses both Shepherd and me. “This is hilarious. Do you really want to save him, kid? Did you fall in love with him or some bullshit?”

I lean toward him. “I don’t have to explain anything to you. The only thing that matters is that I know about Rose and will tell you if you promise to let us both go.”

“Oh, this is priceless! He doesn’t know, does he, Shepherd?” Tony smacks his leg as he laughs, caught up in some stupid joke.

But when I look at Shepherd, I see pure rage in his eyes. I see the cold look of a killer that makes me stop fighting against Tony’s words.

Tony reaches out and grabs my face before directing it toward Shepherd. “Your little Shepherd didn’t tell you?”

“I’ll fucking kill you,” Shepherd growls. “I’ll fucking kill you!” He lets out a noise filled with rage and anger. He fights against the binds as the chair rocks back and forth. I want to rush to Shepherd’s side and remind him that he’s changed and having changed means he doesn’t kill everyone anymore.

“Shepherd?” I wanted to say his name to calm him, but it ends up more like a question. And that’s not right. Tony is trying to get into my head, control me like my father has done for years. No, Shepherd is the only one I care about. I can’t let Tony put any seed of doubt into my mind.

Tony leans forward until his mouth is right next to my ear, head still aimed at Shepherd. “Go

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