Just My Luck - Alice Winters Page 0,6

evenly spread around, but it’s unlikely they’ll bring me a steak if I complain, so I take a bite as I walk. I’m quiet and try to remain inconspicuous as I follow him down the hallway, eyeing every door I pass. I can hear people moving around, but I can’t see anyone at the moment.

He pulls open the bathroom door and walks in with me. When I see it’s only big enough for one person, I turn to him. “You… are going to watch me take a shit?”

He folds his arms over his chest. “Well, I can’t let you run free.”

“Are you going to stare at me or something? I’m kind of creeped out.”

His faces scrunches up into clear disgust at what I’m implying. “Ew, fuck off. I don’t want to see your dick.”

I stare at him. “There’s not even a window in here. The only way out is through the door we just came in. Unless you’re into staring at men. Is that what this is?”

And right over the edge he goes. “Fuck off,” he growls before leaving and slamming the door shut behind him.

Rod is clearly the stupidest man alive. But that’s fine with me because it gives me time to dig around and look for something to help myself out of this situation. Quietly, I kneel in front of the sink and carefully open the cabinet. There’s toilet paper and some cleaner, but there’s nothing else. And unless I’m planning on TPing someone to death, I need to find something else.

The bathroom is small but there’s also a shower, so I quietly pull the curtain back to see that its only use is a supply closet. On top of the pile of junk is a box that I push open and peer inside. When I notice a screwdriver, I grab it and quickly pull my shoe off. I slip it into my shoe and shove my foot on top of it which is anything but comfortable.

When I finish in the bathroom, I pull open the door and look out at Rod who’s busy texting on his phone. I think that’s the moment I realize that I like Rod because he’s an idiot.

As we head back toward the room, Shepherd steps into the hallway and gives us a curious look. “Gallivanting with the prisoner, I see. Did you have a nice walk?”

Rod shrugs, clearly trying to play it off. “He needed the bathroom.”

“Uh-huh,” Shepherd says as he pushes past Rod and steps up to me.

I give him a huge smile which makes him frown. He grabs my arm and starts patting me down. “Do you generally like feeling men up?” I ask, hoping to fluster him like I’d done to Rod.

He ignores me and isn’t even scared to get right between my legs. In any other circumstance, I might find this kind of hot, but I’m quickly realizing he’s going to find my screwdriver and I have wasted everything.

He goes for my foot, but I keep my feet planted firmly on the ground. When I refuse to bend my knee, he gives me a bit of a shove, pushing me off balance and yanking my right foot up, which doesn’t have the screwdriver in it.

“Shepherd, the boss needs you,” the third man from the car says. He was the one in the passenger seat who really hasn’t done anything other than stare at us. He didn’t chase me, punch me, or hit me, but there’s still something off about him. Or maybe it’s the way Shepherd’s body changes when he calls out to him.

“Finish patting him down,” Shepherd says to Rod.

“Of course,” Rod says as Shepherd turns and follows after the quiet man.

“Who’s that?” I ask.

Rod’s eyebrows knit. “Shepherd?”

“No, the one who looks like an asshole.”

Rod snorts as he grabs my upper arm and starts dragging me. “Delta? Don’t fuck with Delta because Delta will fuck you back. The only person he semi respects is the boss and maybe Shepherd because Shepherd doesn’t hesitate to kick anyone’s ass.”

“Even yours?”

“What the fuck am I chatting with you for? Get in there,” he says as he gives me a shove and slams the door. Once the door bangs shut behind me, I pull my screwdriver out and try to look for a place to hide it, but I honestly have nowhere for it to go. The room is so damn empty since there’s nothing in it, so I tuck it behind my water bottle and pray no one notices.

It’s strange

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