Just My Luck - Alice Winters Page 0,26


“Come on. Come on.”

He draws and then beams at me as he lays his remaining cards down. “Oh no! Does this mean you have the maid?”

I flick the card at him. “Funny. Hilarious, really. Ha. Ha. Ha. I’m going to cry now.”

“On the floor silently because you, my friend, aren’t allowed to talk for the rest of the night.”

I narrow my eyes, convinced this game has been rigged. “Best two out of three if you’re so confident.”

“I can’t pass that up,” he says before demolishing me in two more games.

“This is horrible.”

“Shhh… silence, remember? I’m so excited.”

“Fine,” I say with a sigh.

We get ready for bed in complete silence before he shuts off the lights. “Music to my ears.”

I had been moments from lying down on the floor until he said that and I know that I can’t just give in. So, I grab my pillow and climb onto the bed.

“No, no, no. You lost the game.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say as I crawl over him before flopping down on my stomach. This still puts my arm off to the left but it will at least save me the ache that’s started to deepen after every night’s sleep with him.

“Get out of my bed.”

“Fuck off.”

“You do know I have no clothes on under here.”

“Oh, really? You mean I might have forgotten the time I woke up when you were stepping over me, balls hanging in my face.”

“You weren’t getting up, so I was just planning on dragging you to the bathroom again.”

“It was disgusting.”

“Then get out of my bed, because let me tell you how I’ve rubbed my balls all over these sheets.”

Now I’m trying my hardest to think about anything other than his naked body that he keeps tempting me with. He knows how attractive he is and the way his muscles—oh god. NO. I need to stop before it becomes clear I’m the pervert. “My arm aches enough that I don’t even care,” I say before taking my pillow and stuffing it between our faces. Then I yank his pillow out from under his head and stuff that pillow between us as well. “There.”

“Afraid I’ll fondle you? Is your little pillow fort going to save you?” he asks.

“Yes,” I say, but I’m not sure the pillow fort will do much of anything when I can’t stop thinking about how naked and close he is to me. I really, really should have thought this through better.

He reaches over and grabs me, dragging me on top of him before I can do anything. I can feel his cock through the thin sheet, making me realize that the floor really would be best.

But… what if I do this? What if I use him? Let him fuck me in the hopes he gets attached to me and— “Oh my god, don’t throw me off the fucking bed!” I cry as he dumps me onto the floor.

“On the floor where you belong.” And then he’s just laughing to himself.

“You’re such a dick.”

“Thank you.”

“You know what I was just thinking about?”

“Letting me fuck you in the hopes I grew more attached to you?”

I’m silent for a moment as I think. “That’s creepy. Can you read minds?”

“Not usually. Just little tiny ones that are shockingly transparent,” he says.

I stand up and yank my arm toward myself, dragging his with it. “No one likes you,” I say as I brace my foot against the bed and pull as hard as I can in the hopes of dragging him off. He tugs his arm toward himself, sending me careening into the side of the bed.

“Fucking hell! Why can’t I win at anything!” I cry.

He turns the light on and just beams down at me. “You know the other day when you told me I was a sadist and I thought it was a joke? I’m starting to wonder if it wasn’t, because this is so much fun.”

“I’m sleeping under the bed,” I say.

“Well, that was easy, and it benefits both of us. You get to clean out the dust bunnies and I get the bed to myself.”

“Come on, Herd, please?”

He narrows his eyes at the nickname. “I told you, using ‘please’ is a sign of weakness.”

“It is not!”

He’s so amused by all of this, but the smile on his face makes him even more attractive, and me even more willing to go along with it. “If I went, ‘Please, Killy, will you please sleep on the floor,’ what would you do?”

“You’re right, ‘please’

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