Just My Luck - Alice Winters Page 0,125

drugs? All the cops you turned crooked for a bit of money, what about them?”

Father shrugs, clearly unaffected by Shepherd’s words. “What about them? They needed money, so I had an opportunity to give them money,” Father says, like it’s simple.

I shake my head. “Not all of them needed it. You made them need it,” I say. “Did Officer Davis know you were the one who had his wife killed to drive him to drinking? To drive him over to the dark side?”

“I can’t even remember. Did you kill her too, Shepherd?”

“No, but I was there. What about the officer right there?” Shepherd asks as he waves to the guy who’s sitting outside the door, looking unsure of what to do now that he’s come to. “Did you tell him you were the one who burned his home down and forced him into debt so he’d have to rely on you?”

I’m not sure if my father can’t see that he’s alive and awake, or if he just doesn’t give a shit, because he laughs. “He was a good officer. I needed him on my side. So I did what I had to in order to make him join.”

“You ruined my fucking life,” the officer says, almost sounding like he can’t believe it himself. “My fucking family… my fucking… it ruined everything!”

Father just waves him off like none of it matters to him. “Shepherd, just put the fucking gun down. What do you want?”

“I want your son.”

Father looks highly disappointed in this. “Of all things, that’s what you want? I know the two of you think you can tear down my empire but you’re just pawns. Each and every one of you. Why do you not see that we could reach great heights if you both just worked for me?”

Shepherd reaches out to me, so I rush to his side.

Father’s lip curls up as he stares at Shepherd, rage in his eyes. “I will continue to rise up because they all need me. They need me to guide them toward a greater purpose.”

Shepherd pushes me back through the door just as the officer jumps up and rushes for my father. “You fucking ruined my life!” he screams.

“Oh, shut up,” Father says as he pulls out a gun and shoots the man in the chest. Before he can turn that gun on us, Shepherd pushes me hard for the front door.

“But, Bear.”

“He’ll be fine, trust me,” he says as he pulls me through the front door as people rush toward me. A man reaches out and grabs Shepherd’s arm, pulling him out of the path. He has a big smile and black, tightly curled hair. “You did good. Thank you for not shooting anyone.”

I feel oddly relieved that this man I don’t really know is here to help us.

“I really wanted to. And if you need anyone to shoot William, I’d love to,” Shepherd says as he wraps his arms tightly around me while I look at the men in uniform moving into the place. “He managed to shoot someone.”

“We’ll have someone to assist him shortly. For now, I want you two to stay over there and wait.” He turns to me before smiling. “I’m Federal Agent Micah Harris. Thank you for your help.”

“I… honestly didn’t think you were real,” I say.

He laughs before patting my shoulder. “You did good.”

“I sent you an email with the rest of the information that should incriminate him and the officers that worked with him.”

“Thank you,” he says before leaving us.

Shepherd squeezes me tightly. “I wanted to shoot him so fucking badly, but I’ve changed, Killian. Right? Not shooting him shows I’ve changed? Or should I have shot him? I think I should have shot him. Do you think I can slip in there and shoot him?”

I smile as I squeeze him to me. “No, I’m pretty sure it was best that you didn’t shoot him while there was a herd of law enforcement outside.”

“I had a wire on too… to get him to confess, but I think him shooting that officer was proof enough,” he says.

I look at him in surprise. “A wire? So they’re probably listening to you talking about shooting him.”

“I don’t care,” he says as he kisses me. “I’m just happy you’re with me. Imagine my fucking surprise when I wake up stuffed in a closet with Dave spitting apologies at me.”

“Did you punch him?” I ask.

“He was afraid. Said that they told him they’d kill him and me and everyone else

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