Just Good Friends (Cheap Thrills #5) - Mary B. Moore Page 0,58

the pole.

Boredom… it wasn’t a great look on me.

And that brought me to what I’d done last night. It was as I opened a package that had my new nail polish in a shade of glittery aqua blue called Jelly Jive that I realized something—all of those months I’d wondered about the box jellyfish anus meme, and I had the proof under my roof… I just had to give him seafood.

So, when Garrett had come home that afternoon, we’d gone to the store to get some so I could make him dinner. Admittedly, it had tasted fantastic, but when I’d crouched down immediately afterward, the dirty grin on his face dropped when I pulled his leg up and shone the torch on my phone on his ankle.

Know what I found? Fuck all. Not one thing! Sure, there were whirls, and it looked like he’d been attacked by acid, but I couldn’t make out an anus on it if I had a gun to my head—which I hoped never to happen.

When I realized that the level of disappointment that I was feeling was probably too much for the situation, the reality of my situation sank in. Boredom wasn’t my color.

I also had a feeling that it was being made worse by the fact that I wasn’t allowed to go out without one of the guys with me. And on the occasions I did go out, there seemed to be a more than normal amount of the male residents—and female residents, if you count the Townsend women looking around like they were going to attack someone—everywhere.

What was going on?

And why was Garrett suddenly not wearing a uniform and going into work in just a t-shirt and jeans? It didn’t make sense.

So I decided to seduce it out of him. Me, Tamsin Waite, the super curvy, plain girl from New York, seducing Garrett Evans. It was almost like the beginning of a bad joke, but I was going to give it my all.

The new hair appliances, the makeup techniques, all of the lotions and potions that I’d bought recently, and the new underwear that I’d ordered after a home visit from a woman who designed them in town, Scarlett, were all going to come in useful.

It was time for Operation Spit It Out… No, that sounded wrong and dirty, like the name of a porno.

Operation Cough It Up… No, again, it sounded seriously wrong.

Operation Squeeze It Out… What in the hell was wrong with my mind that all of these sounded dirty? I was getting regular sex now, was that what was wrong?

Looking down at my baby, who was growing at an alarming rate, I blew out a breath as I reached for a pair of curling tongs.

“I think sex does things to you, baby. All of the normal and smart brain cells I used to have are gone, and it’s like I’ve got a porn channel playing in my mind.”

Almost like I was proving myself right, I glanced down at the thick barrel of the curling tongs and raised an eyebrow. Still, I wanted to look like a sex kitten who’d make Garrett’s penis sing, so I pushed it all aside and focused on primping myself while trying to get comfortable in my new bra and panties, talking to Clyde the whole time. I could now use my right hand a bit more, but the movement was seriously impacted by the cast still, so it was awkward as hell.

“He doesn’t think I know how big you’re going to get, but I looked it up online, and the answer is massive. I also probably should’ve put two and two together, seeing as how I know both of your parents, but I didn’t. Welp, when you’re fully grown and you poop in the shower, he can clean up the elephant-sized dollops. That reminds me,” I pointed the hair dildo at him. “I’m going to teach you how to use the smelly powder, so your plops smell like roses.”

I’d just reached up to do the last curl when I heard an amused voice say, “You’re teaching him how to use what you do when you go to the bathroom?”

Not expecting it, I screamed and threw the red hot dildo in the direction it came from. Fortunately for Garrett, the cord it was attached to wasn’t long enough to hit him.

“Y-y-you…” I spluttered, grabbing up a towel and holding it in front of me. “Don’t you knock?”

Before he could answer, a handsome face popped over his

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