Just Good Friends (Cheap Thrills #5) - Mary B. Moore Page 0,28


Oh, he did that on purpose. The words would say he was concerned, but the tone didn’t.

“Can we stop talking about it?”

His mouth twitched as he scanned my face, but thankfully he nodded and changed the subject. “I’m going to kick DB’s ass at work tomorrow.”

So was I. Maybe not at work, but the next time I saw him out of uniform.

“Was it necessary for him to get my toothbrush to clean the grooves in between the floorboards?”

“To be fair, yeah, it was,” he sighed. “It just sucks that you had an electric one.”

It wasn’t just an electric one, it’d been a limited edition My Little Pony electric one. Now, even if I changed the head on it, I’d have a turd toothbrush, and I just couldn’t do it.

“I hope I find another one. Those ponies brightened up my morning, and I loved the magical noise that came out of it after the two-minute timer was up.”

This time when he started laughing, I was close enough to watch it in high definition. My slutty vagina enjoyed it immensely, but my back and arm didn’t when the mattress started moving with it.

It was strange having Garrett in my bed and spending so much time with him, but if this was what our friendship consisted of, I was happy to grab it with both hands and legs and hold on tight.

But a girl could dream, right?

Chapter Seven


“You know, Zuri needs a protection dog,” DB told me as we watched Alejandro working with the guy teaching de-escalation techniques. “And security.”

It’d been a week since the accident, and I’d just had my stitches taken out. Zuri had seen the doctor after me, but he wanted hers to stay in for another three days, so she’d gone home in a shitty mood.

Apparently, I couldn’t even begin to imagine how itchy her back and arm were. Given the scarring up my side, I kind of could, but being the sympathetic guy I was, I hadn’t mentioned it and instead offered to try and find something to help her.

But what DB was saying was true.

“A while back, she told me she’d never had a pet because of her parents' jobs,” I murmured, nodding when Alejandro immediately approached the scenario the instructor had set up with the right body language. For some reason, this made DB stiffen beside me.

“Three weeks ago, I decided I was done being just friends with her, so I did some research and started looking for things to show her how serious I was. Part of that included getting her a dog because she gets so excited when she sees one. Just as well your dad’s dog had a litter that went into training and I bought her one.”

There was a moment’s silence, and then DB asked, “So, what did her parents do?”

“Not a clue,” I shrugged, frowning when I thought again about how little I knew about her family.

“Maybe it’s time to get her to open up a bit if you’re looking at changing your relationship status?”

Nodding in agreement, I turned when the door opened, and in walked Tabby with Sheena in her arms.

“Sorry to interrupt,” she whispered when she got close to us. “We just wanted to say thank you for looking after Sheena, didn’t we, girl?” she cooed to her daughter, who waved and grinned at me like her shit didn’t stink.

I couldn’t resist, though, so I winked and tickled her stomach. “You’re welcome, stinky girl. But I wouldn’t mention toothbrushes to Zuri anytime soon.”

“Dave told me about the toothbrush,” Tabby winced. “Does it really make a sound like magic when the timer’s up?”

“Yup, and seeing as how there was a lot of cleaning to be done, we kept hearing it until he was finished scrubbing.” I gestured with my thumb to her husband.

“Huh. Well, if you find out where to buy them, could you get two more, please?”

Taking his daughter from her, DB tucked Sheena’s head under his chin and let out a sigh. “That’s a good idea. Sheena’s going to need one soon, and Olivia will love it, too.”

Blinking at him, Tabby tilted her head to the side. “Why would Sheena and Olivia love them?”

DB stopped and frowned at her. “Because that’s who you’re—” he stopped and groaned when it hit him. “You’re buying it for you, aren’t you?”

“Damn right, doggy. And Jose would love one, too.” Then, thinking about it, she said to me, “Maybe get four then, if you find them. Unless you’d like one, too?” she

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