Just Like This (Albin Academy #2) - Cole McCade Page 0,76

body hovering over his, Damon’s mouth kissing him in dirty-sweet, plunging thrusts, Damon’s cock sinking deeper and deeper and deeper until Rian couldn’t breathe, everything forced out of him to make room for the sensation of hard, hot flesh and the swelling, throbbing bursts of emotion rocking so forcefully through him. As if he couldn’t separate his flesh from his heart, and couldn’t tell touch apart from the knotting in his chest, the tightness in his throat.

He could only tell that he wanted this, needed this.

And fell into it so fully, as Damon held him fast and twined their tongues together and began to move.

Damon’s body rolled like the movement of mountains, a slow and patient thing that let Rian feel every flexion of muscle pouring down his back and under Rian’s palms, down to the controlled drive of his hips as he stroked inside Rian, making each tightening and bunching of Damon’s shoulders into a whisper of gut-clenching anticipation when Rian knew it would end in that hard surge of hips to hips. Unhurried, languid, giving Rian no choice but to savor every clutch and pull of muscle gripping against muscle; every sensation that felt like a hot burst of pressure releasing inside to flood through his entire body; every shivering implosion of pain that couldn’t seem to stop, to silence the pleasure.

And every bright drop of emotion lighting the heavy shadows inside Rian, chasing away the dark of his pensive thoughts until he...he...

He wasn’t alone.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this, when the fury burst between them. Soft and slow and sweet, rending at him not with gnashing tooth and furious claw but with the grasping touch of gentle, needy fingers stroking their way into his aching heart. He couldn’t stand it, but he couldn’t let go, tasting Damon’s mouth again and again and sounding out the syllables of his name even if Rian couldn’t quite bring himself to say it aloud; couldn’t quite bring himself to break this silence that was only liquid breaths and sliding skin and the rushing, pounding beat of his heart.

He didn’t want this to end.

Didn’t want to ruin it with clumsy words; with the harsh things they threw at each other when everything they said went wrong and there was nothing between them but anger and frustration.

When right now there was something more in the silence, in the slow steady rhythm of their movements together, in Rian’s gasps of pleasure echoed in tandem with Damon’s as they met and came apart and met again, pushing and pulling each other until they gave and took with every delicious rush of friction that their bodies made together; every tight lock of flesh as Damon sank in deep and gave Rian all of him until he could barely take any more.

He could have stayed like this for hours, for days, for an endless eternity of breathing in Damon’s kisses and breathing out his pleasure...but Rian’s body wasn’t strong enough. Rian wasn’t strong enough, when he felt like this intense thing storming inside him was battering him to pieces, tearing him apart in silent ravages, and he held fast to Damon to keep himself together, to try to hold on even as Damon teased him toward breaking with rough fingers that found Rian’s cock and stole in lazy, teasing strokes along his length. Rhythm and counter-rhythm, fingers slicking over him, Damon’s cock sinking inside him, Damon’s tongue electrifying his mouth and capturing Rian’s every moan until they no longer belonged to him.

Nothing belonged to him anymore, not his will, not his body, not his self-control, and he lost that control as Damon jolted his hips just a little harder, crashed into Rian just right, and he felt that throbbing, that swelling as Damon arched his back and went stiff and caught a growl in his throat...

While Rian collapsed, inside and out.

He collapsed, his foundations crumbling out from under him to leave him helpless to the force of pleasure that crashed over him so violently it hurt, a rough ripping sensation seeming to drag his climax from him until he thrashed against Damon and it was only that heavy weight keeping him still, keeping him close, keeping him safe.

And holding him together, as Rian came down from something so dizzying and crushing he could hardly catch his breath, clinging to Damon as he tried to pull himself together.

Tried to pull himself together, and tried to figure out what had just wrenched inside him until suddenly the map

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