Jump! - By Jilly Cooper Page 0,312

Forrester learn this when he was your head lad,’ went on Rafiq, ‘so you murder him and fake his suicide, and pretend he started the fire.’

‘Utterly preposterous,’ jabbered Harvey-Holden, foam flying from his lips.

‘You were jealous of Mrs Wilkinson when Shade sent her you for training, because your then wife loved her.’ Rafiq was continuously stroking Mrs Wilkinson’s quivering shoulder. ‘To get her into the starting stalls, you used electrodes on her legs. You denied her food for months to break her spirit and finally drove your Land-Rover into her, catching her legs in the bumper and the radiator. The only reason she miss the fire was you left her out in a freezing field that wouldn’t keep a budgerigar,’ Rafiq’s voice was even more filled with hatred and contempt, ‘so you had to get her away quickly, but she refuse to load. For two hours you beat her unconscious with a shovel, so she lost an eye. Then you dragged her into the lorry, digging out her microchip and dumping her in Willowwood on the coldest night of the year, where Etta found her.’

Dora and Alan were scribbling frantically on their service sheets.

‘This is fabrication,’ shouted Jude with less conviction.

‘I’m sure it’s nonsense, dear.’ Romy put a caring hand on Jude’s vast arm.

The rest of the congregation, many in tears, were hanging on Rafiq’s every word with increasing dismay. Even Chisolm, recovering her appetite but not finding any of Debbie’s bright flowers to eat, was listening intently.

‘Jimmy Wade,’ continued Rafiq relentlessly, ‘was in prison at the same time as me, banged up for giving tips for reward, because you pay him so little. He tell me every terrible thing you did, and that he was going to expose you, but you had him murdered the moment he was released. I was terrified you murder me too, so I keep very quiet, but I was so upset about Furious, I blow gaff at National and told you I knew you started fire.

‘You panic that I’m on to you. You’re so frantic to get rid of me and Mrs Wilkinson that you plan to blow her up at Sport Personality Award and frame me, by planting all that Al-Qaeda propaganda and bomb equipment in my room, helped by your evil bugger friend, Vakil. Lucky my cousin Ibrahim tip me off.’

Harvey-Holden was just clenching his fists and muttering rubbish now.

‘He’s barking,’ hissed Dora.

‘Lucky too,’ went on Rafiq, turning mockingly to the assembled policemen, ‘I learn in the past a little about making bombs, so I recognize device fixed to stable door. One of Mr Murchieson’s latest inventions. It only need mobile phone to set it off from fifty yards. I had so little time. Fortunately,’ Rafiq turned and smiled at Michael Meagan, who was blushing among the stable lads, ‘Michael want to see Tresa, so I am able to ride Mrs Wilkinson out of empty racecourse. I am very good rider,’ he nodded haughtily at Rupert, ‘Mr Campbell-Black should have never jocked me off National, and Mrs Wilkinson turn out excellent cross-country horse. We escaped to friend who hide and protect us and Mr Harvey-Holden blow up empty stable.’

Shade, meanwhile, had jumped to his feet. ‘I’ve never heard so much rubbish in my life,’ he roared. ‘I want my lawyer.’

‘This is all nonsense,’ screamed Harvey-Holden, ‘all lies. Rafiq blew up Usurper because he’s a dirty little terrorist and he loathed her because she took out that brute Furious.’

Maddened, he leapt forward, trying to claw Rafiq to the ground, but Mrs Wilkinson was too quick for him. Shuddering with recognition, squealing with rage, she lunged at him, catching his shoulder in her teeth, shaking him like a rat.

‘Get off, you bitch,’ he howled, raising his hand to punch her in the eye.

Next moment the police had swooped and grabbed him as well as Shade and Vakil, who were both racing towards the door.

Rafiq, who was thoroughly enjoying being centre stage, then informed the congregation that he had forgiven Mrs Wilkinson for taking out Furious.

‘I love her,’ he added, pulling her ears, ‘and I love Tommy and I would never do anything to break her or Etta’s hearts.’

Leaping off Mrs Wilkinson, he took a sobbing, deliriously happy Tommy in his arms and everyone burst into delighted applause. It then turned to tumultuous boos, as Harvey-Holden was led away.

‘This is a wonderful turn of events,’ said the Bishop.

‘It’s a miracle,’ said Niall, seizing the mike. ‘Our little pet has risen like Lazarus from the dead.’

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