Judge Me Not - Maggie Cole Page 0,17

wage. Deal with it.

"I'm good. Just the dress and shoes, please."

Bree purses her lips. "Are you sure? We have several—"

"Yes. I'm sure. Just the dress and shoes, please." My voice is harsh, and I cringe inside when Bree winces. But I don't apologize. I need to get out of here. The amount of wasted money on this outfit when it could be paying for better things eats at me.

She nods. "Okay."

I leave and go to the salon. It, too, is somewhere I would never normally go. It's huge and also has spa services. When I check in, the woman has me fill out all sorts of waivers.

"This seems extreme for hair and makeup," I mutter.

She laughs. "Did Mr. Ash not tell you what he booked you for?"

"I'm assuming hair and makeup for the event we're going to tonight."

Her smile widens, and her eyes light up. "No. You get everything."

Dread fills me. "Everything?"

"Yes. Well, not the facial. I talked Mr. Ash out of it when he said you had an event tonight." She leans forward. "You know men. They don't understand the intricacies of facials and downtime."

Downtime? I have no idea what she's talking about, but I nod. "So, what am I booked for?"

"A ninety-minute massage, mud bath, full-body wax"— she waves her hand in front of her and whispers like it's a secret—"he left that at our discretion." She winks. "A pedicure, manicure, and your hair and makeup."

I gape at her.

I'm away from my child, who might be sick, so I can spend the day getting plucked and groomed so I'm acceptable for him.

So much for his declaration that I'm perfect how I am.

"Susie will take you to the locker room."

I go through the motions and text Cee Cee after I get my robe on.

Me: How is Abby?

Cee Cee: She's fine. Go enjoy the spa!

I'm too worried about Abby and upset I'm wasting precious time here when I could be with her.

Right before I get into the massage room I get another text.

Cee Cee: Abby's temperature is ninety-eight point eight. I called Dr. Plax to be safe. As I suspected, he said to watch her but not to worry yet.

Me: I'm coming home.

Cee Cee: No. I have everything under control. This is work. You wouldn't come home right now if you were at your other job.

Me: I'm at a spa. This isn't work.

Cee Cee: It is. And the five thousand you are earning today is too much to lose.

I can't argue with her.

Me: Please tell me if it goes any higher.

Cee Cee: Of course I will. Go relax and enjoy your spa day.

I close my eyes and softly bang my head against the locker.

"Are you Jasmine?"

I spin. "Yes."

A woman beams at me and holds out her hand. "I'm Sarah. I'll be giving you your massage and mud bath today."

I take a deep breath. "Okay." I slip my phone into my pocket.

"I'm so sorry, but we have a strict policy. No phones in the treatment rooms. You'll have to put it in your locker."

"I need my phone. I'll keep it on silent."

She smiles bigger. "I'm sorry, but I'll lose my job. The members are rather strict about it."


"Yes. Did you not know this is a spa club? Only members and their special guests are allowed in."

Of course it is. Why would Mr. Lickable send me anywhere that wasn't exclusive and you had to pay just to step inside?

"I didn't. How much is the membership?"

She raises her eyebrows. "I'm not the membership director, but I believe they start around one hundred thousand a year. If you want, I can add her to your schedule so you can discuss joining?"

I laugh. "No, thank you. I'm a normal person. Somedays, I can't even afford McDonald's."

Sympathy crosses her face. "I know the feeling." She points to my phone. "If you stick your cell in the locker, we can get started."

I spend the next few hours worried, my chest in knots. By the time I'm able to look at my phone, I feel like I might have a nervous breakdown.

As soon as I get back to the locker room, I text Cee Cee.

Me: How is Abby?

She sends me a picture of her curled up on the couch, sleeping.

Cee Cee: Her temperature is back to ninety-eight point seven.

I should be relieved it went down and not up. But it still is not perfect.

She texts again when I don't respond.

Cee Cee: She's fine.

Me: Okay. That's good.

Cee Cee: Yes. Try to enjoy yourself.

But there's no amount of pampering that

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